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abalone fishing

11331133 views33 comments00 favs

after several beers this woman told me once/(when I was maybe 15)

The Man Who Defied Gravity

11701170 views33 comments11 fav

Let us be stranded in the Andes and have to eat human flesh or at least toothpaste to survive! Let there be an earthquake! Let there be a flood! Let there be a tornado, a new ice age, an invasion from Mars. Only: let me survive.

Years of Co-Dependency

718718 views33 comments33 favs

The next thing I knew, the waiter was pouring wine into all our glasses. “How did you know we needed more wine?” I asked. His face grew red as he smiled, “Many years of co-dependency, honey.”


11661166 views33 comments11 fav

“We should start a virgins' support group,” said Cindi one autumn afternoon. We were sitting in the bay window of the Campus Coffee Cavern ...

Someplace Else

10861086 views33 comments11 fav

Flish flash, flish flash, flicker of triangle lights. As he deparks, I say, “See that girl?” She crosses at the stop sign with blond hair flip, flash of white teeth: rips cookie from wrapper, drops wrapper on ground. “I bought her a…

Soliloquies and Interludes of the Interior Zombies

615615 views33 comments11 fav

As parents watched my skin grow paler, hair/ go raven, and demeanor change from pert/ to smiling calm, they started to complain.

Still Life

819819 views33 comments22 favs

They called him Camel because of his humped back.

The Rats

870870 views33 comments22 favs

I climb up on the sofa and stand next to him. I smell something.

The Buddhist

993993 views33 comments22 favs

She is not centered, but she finds her way.

Self-Portrait with Pipe and Bandaged Ear

896896 views33 comments33 favs

His ear is swathed by a large white bandage that runs down under the chin. Dressed in a heavy dark green coat, buttoned at the neck. Streaks of orange relieve the darkness of the green. Purple and black cap on his head. Calmly smoking a pipe.

Evolutionary Nonsense

261261 views33 comments22 favs

You can say words like "good",just not to me, I'm not in the mood. Ever sincethe fire extinguisher went kaput. Ever since yellowbecame red and orange became blue. Ever since thenews announcement that there is nothing more than carbon.Nectarous your…

Edward Ogle the Dickinson

977977 views33 comments22 favs

Hope is the thing playing checkers

Downward Facing God

10981098 views33 comments44 favs

Argus was on to me from the moment I unrolled my mat. He knew damn well I was in the wrong room, but he turned blind eyes.


10821082 views33 comments11 fav

As a rule, she calls me whenever she’s waiting for her train or bus. ‘Hiya… How’s life-’ she starts off sweetly. Even though I should know better by now, I can only respond in the same old way. I’ll say: ‘Hi Kate!’. Next, I’ll try to te

The Needle and the Damage Done

10211021 views33 comments11 fav

“She never knew her, you know?” Chief Jack Gardner, retired, said to the duty officer absently, thumbing a well-worn photo in his rough calloused hands. His gravelly voice cracked a bit when he said it, catching his throat.

Momma's Prayers

946946 views33 comments33 favs

One night, I wake and Daddy’s in the bathroom with a hanger in his mouth.

FWA (Fiction Writers Anonymous)

10411041 views33 comments22 favs

Sebastian and Janice had been a natural match. They sought to deny this at first because a recovery assistance program was not a place to forge intimate relationships. It worked out wonderfully in Hollywood, but Hollywood, as everyone knew, was just a facade. So…

gravelortian part 24

841841 views33 comments33 favs

Outside cool fresh morning tiny fingers

Advice from the Receptionist

864864 views33 comments11 fav

The president is truculent today.

that part of life I forgot to live

592592 views33 comments11 fav

You won’t find me shopping at University Housecoats. There’s a vast gulf between being pretty, and pretty dangerous, I’ve learned. Oh yeah, and that part of life I forgot to live? I would live in the past too, if I thought I could re-achieve youth. At s

It is I, Hamlet, King of the Crabs

940940 views33 comments22 favs

Ronnie comes home carrying two sacks of groceries, one including a four-pack of Virgil's root beer. This is heavy stuff. It amazes me she is able to carry these items up our steep hill, nearly a mile in distance. I watch the news on our French cable station while she…

Mount Baldy

11181118 views33 comments22 favs

The most beautiful possible thing is to deprive all places of their meanings.

bucket of keys

975975 views33 comments33 favs

I imaged him at his mother's house, eating chicken and tabouli with her at her round marble table, leaning back and laughing, then reading my “love you” and excusing himself to cry in the bathroom.

Dead Batteries

947947 views33 comments33 favs

She woke before the sun was up to brew a pot of coffee. His eyes blinked open as he lay in bed smiling, smelling the fresh coffee mixed with marijuana smoke. He walked to the living room and sat next to her on the couch. He rested his head against her shoulder.…

If I Was A Bum

918918 views33 comments00 favs

If I was a bum I’d risk everything for a drink or a smoke I would beg and curse and steal if I was a bum If I was a bum I would cuss out the Pope I would not vote for anyone because I would know truly they’d be telling gross lies


14201420 views33 comments22 favs

The ideas just came to them. "Nothing On" consisted of a television on a small stand, playing an endless loop of "Jersey Shore." "Shopping Bores Me" was a men's flannel shirt from American Apparel on an otherwise empty rack.

Touchstone Excerpt 3. (edit)

148148 views33 comments00 favs

She glanced up at his face and read the contempt in his features on the instant, but the page before her offered no such insight. Nothing.

for one dedicated to artemis

12751275 views33 comments33 favs

artemis is but a mincing fawn:/ no sacred bitches need i in my ranks,/ nor hunting dogs to tear a man apart/ when i have teeth enough to bruise fine flanks.

Eating Crow

725725 views33 comments22 favs

I stabbed a man at the Blue-Buick Bar and Grill. This may not be shocking news, all things considered. The man I stabbed didn't think it was all that shocking, even while it was happening. I'd had a lot of those energy drinks -- six or seven -- even before I'd puked…

Healing Comb

772772 views33 comments33 favs

My lover passes the healing comb through the hair of my soul during the night as she retouches my youth