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903903 views44 comments44 favs

What if she doesn't take me seriously? My sweaty testimony wedged tight behind the tragic I used to think was honest? What if, right? What if . . . Isolation Real men feel that, right? They have …


737737 views44 comments11 fav

As the torrent hit her, she felt her body slipping, sinking, and suddenly she didn’t know where the floor was in relation to her feet.

Moon Over the Downs - excerpt

12161216 views44 comments11 fav

Each drip off the corrugated plastic sheeting made a tinny sound that he could hear from deep within the damp sleeping bag and layers of blankets where he was trying to sleep.

Uniquely Portland

10221022 views44 comments00 favs

He saw his mother standing over him, and he called out to her for help, but she only laughed and faded into the paper towel dispenser.


971971 views44 comments22 favs

Gripping the sink, head bowed, I let the blood gather on the rim of my nose, pooling for a moment, before its fleeting journey towards the basin.

The Frog

979979 views44 comments55 favs

Publisehd in Linguistic Erosion When Jesus and Magdalene began to cross the sunflower field they met a group of boys, squatting before a rocky outcrop. Covered with…

Recipe for the Broken

10061006 views44 comments11 fav

This poem first appeared in “Walt’s Corner” of The Long Islander, founded by Walt Whitman in 1838.

The Violent Kind

10591059 views44 comments44 favs

But my point is, this isn’t a Thomas Kinkade. It’s not like you can pay me fifty dollars and I can drive to the Twombly store and buy another Twombly.


840840 views44 comments11 fav

She sees her first husband on the bathroom floor, ingrained in the wood.

She’s a Maniac

10401040 views44 comments00 favs

New Year's Eve 1984: I was a hit with my outfit. When I walked into the house, a teenage girl looked me up and down and said, “Nice knickerbockers.” My cousins dragged me to the living room floor which was crowded with my family dancing and I started…

Edward Ogle the Andy

907907 views44 comments22 favs

Concrete coffeecake drumbeat gyrate Andy Rooney ran a meter.

Good for the Gander

895895 views44 comments00 favs

“This isn’t fair!” I rail to my late wife. “It’s all right for you, why not me?” She never answers me directly. Not in whispers, or with knocks, or even dreams.

Biography / Memoir (outline)

20942094 views44 comments11 fav

Larry's next book, A Fly in My Ointment, is due out this summer

Victoria Gate

12321232 views44 comments22 favs

Maybe she was crying before she got on the coach at Marble Arch, settled in the seat across from me, but by the time we reach Victoria Gate, tears stream down her face, mouth open to receive her own sacrament.Indian, ageless in tasteful floral, a blue sweater despite summer…

Mommy Dearest

11061106 views44 comments55 favs

His daddy died in his sleep. Went to bed one might and never got up.

Pro and Contra in Sepia Black

620620 views44 comments33 favs

From decade to decade, editorial opinion swings and sways as to whether the fault of volubility resides chiefly with the practitioner or with the lawless company he keeps.

Midnight Snack

19911991 views44 comments11 fav

I was about to answer when that something emerged from the woods. It was not an animal, after all, but a woman dressed all in brown. She ap­proached our porch windows. I shuddered and turned away. But her com­ing was inevitable. When I turned back, she

Snowed-in March Against the Beautiful Pain Memory of Love, A Ghazal

11851185 views44 comments11 fav

Infinite patience, tempered glass hearts—is this what it takes? / Shatterproof backtrack, slow march through reversals—too, what it takes.


11931193 views44 comments33 favs

We decide not to go to the emergency room

the oracle withers, because it is so late

836836 views44 comments00 favs

I remember some of the tight-fitting garments you wore, your looks seeping through them. The light blonde hairs at your neck and at your middle. Were we really expected to keep our hands off each other? It is foolish to think so. I know what I was think

Spring Cleaning for Poets

16761676 views44 comments22 favs

“Can you do something about that those four stanzas of three lines each at the bottom of the basement steps?” my wife asked. "That's a villanelle I'm working on."


972972 views44 comments33 favs

You think you are a perpetual motion machine, free of thermodynamic law. I’m telling you, you’re wrong.

Edward Ogle the First

10291029 views44 comments11 fav

Vundabar baclava


983983 views44 comments33 favs

You were a mine field

So Sweet

12361236 views44 comments22 favs

    I met a girl so sweet, So sweet that she could Break your heart   No girl, no one should Be so sweet So sweet that she melts My depression   Increase my anxiety   No one should be so sweet   More like a little girl Than her 25 years   If…

Last Stop

970970 views44 comments22 favs

So we stayed on the train admiring the time.

Double Vision

13341334 views44 comments33 favs

Maybe it’s the cold that has me seeing double. My sister in Florida would probably laugh, “I told you so” as she sips her pumpkin latte in the barely-cold.


883883 views44 comments11 fav

I know what to expect because this has happened before. The darkness, the stench of an unlit match, The leathery sound of old wings flapping and finally that voice made up of feces and dust, ancient and terrible suggesting depravity and painful deaths t

XAM, PARAGRAPH, May 22, 1998, Houston, Texas

11611161 views44 comments33 favs

I wrote this paragraph (the first in a series of 14 paragraphs) shortly after Frank Sinatra had died and during my last visit to my boyfriend, M. He had not seen me write something in years.

Luz Maria

12721272 views44 comments22 favs

Although badly educated, and although the Michoacána fought to deny it, she held the complex notion that borders are not abrupt lines, simple artifacts of geography and cartography.