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2 Haiku

869869 views99 comments77 favs

We’re heading to a Poetry reading when my wife Says “You owe me one” Coming back from the Poetry reading, my wife says “You owe me, big time”


13571357 views99 comments55 favs

but with a light, a rainbow light which was scattered, maybe she herself was a scattering of light, an infinity of universes caught like the opening rays of sunlight

Cutty Sark

815815 views99 comments88 favs

A sense of plenty courses through


867867 views99 comments77 favs

Survival is often violent.


676676 views99 comments1010 favs

When I got out I didn't buya new suit of clothes, stepinto a bar, or bargainfor an hour with a whore.I walked from McGee Streetover to Russell and wonderedif Bus 16 still went out of its wayto loop around the traffic knotat the shopping mall. It'd drop you thereif you had…

Letter to Neruda

16411641 views99 comments44 favs

You have been my woman’s lover now for seven years, ever since your two souls met at La Isla Negra.

You Should Change at Jamaica

15761576 views99 comments77 favs

"...across from me staring at my bare knees."

Z Machine

14401440 views99 comments88 favs

I'm afraid to find out what my spirit animal is

A Coin, Two Coins

713713 views99 comments66 favs

It hangs unspoken in the sadness he pushes through his harmonica, while his hands work the old, beat-up guitar that tries to be a Gibson for his fingertips.


15161516 views99 comments1010 favs

I knew I needed to visit a beach / made entirely of sharks’ teeth

Old Photo, 1948 or so

14761476 views99 comments66 favs

I’m maybe only four. Not smoking cigarettes found in street gutters yet. That will come the next year, when I’m five. Maybe when I’m six, and Andy’s five, my pal from across the street. That’s my tricycle parked behind this pack of kids that look to be ne

The Ungrateful Dead and the Human Resource Recovery and Refineries Act

10201020 views99 comments88 favs

Incidents intensified. The Dead appeared in twos and threes at shopping mall and Wal-Mart parking lots.

Familiar Things

12211221 views99 comments77 favs

After lunch I left my office and trickled along like a slow leak, a notch above meandering; gravity had become a lateral force that pulled me forward.


12291229 views99 comments44 favs

The man's dog slipped away one night. He left soon after.

You Wear Camo?

16801680 views99 comments66 favs

Got me a 50 pound bat ray.

Remember the Maine

12111211 views99 comments99 favs

He remembered waking up on those lazy summer days hearing the sad song of mourning doves.

Tree voices (revised)

11031103 views99 comments66 favs


Not Tired

13661366 views99 comments44 favs

Three hours isn't that long.

This Story Isn't About You

19171917 views99 comments1010 favs

"This story isn’t about you, even if it seems as though it is."


944944 views99 comments88 favs

It was cold in the church. The Lutherans were freezing to death. The Catholics brought their winter coats.

The Invitation

987987 views99 comments44 favs

The poet could not speak of himself but only of the gradations leading toward him and away. ~ Mark Strand

Cymbals Guy

13001300 views99 comments33 favs

cymbals guy — another way of saying hey turdshitface haul your skinnyass to the front of the bus.

Another Dream

964964 views99 comments77 favs

“I fly in my dreams,” his mother said. “It's my privilege.”

Where's Waldo?

10821082 views99 comments88 favs

Over his usual ham sandwich and skim milk for lunch Uncle Waldo used to always say, “Going out in the dead of night without a flashlight is dangerous.” But I knew what I was doing. After dark, I'd slip out and sneaker on down the path to take a dip in a…

Stupid's Rising Up

10781078 views99 comments11 fav

Stupid's rising up, I see. Melting all the intellect. I before E, except after C, but that's not how the alphabet goes.

At the Faire

10021002 views99 comments11 fav

Carl and Dolly were actors. Dolly was offered the lead in a porno film, but she turned it down.

The Assassination of Sadat

11281128 views99 comments88 favs

Just beyond the corkscrew slide / the President of Egypt was bleeding to death

My Great Sensitivity

894894 views99 comments66 favs

I'm mucked now for sure. No one's going to discover my difficult poems in a locked away desk drawer somewhere after the dying fact. I remember how it feels to be knocked out by someone standing next to me in a simple white dress. This…

my father's fear

13431343 views99 comments88 favs

my father has a phobia of dentists./ he also once felt/ that if the house ran out of toilet paper/ he would lose his job.


15791579 views99 comments33 favs

Backs in the grass, legs straight, bare feet resting at angles, Rachel and I, both of us seven, looked up through the oak limbs that made black lightning cracks across a blinding blue sky. Three hula hoops sat trapped in the trees’ sprawled grasp.