Alphabetical stories

Michelle from Southport

11541154 views99 comments99 favs

True story, I swear to God.

Mick Dever

13181318 views1616 comments1212 favs

The P-36 used for gunnery exercises was twitchy and stubborn...

Mickey and Harriet

886886 views11 comment00 favs

Ellie's got two parrots. She owns the house down the block to the left where the golf club owner fixes her grounds and garage because he can't stop working on his vacation. …

Mickey and Harriet

935935 views00 comments00 favs

  Ellie's got two parrots. She owns the house down the block to the left where the golf club owner fixes her grounds and garage because he can't stop working on his vacation. You'd think he…

Micro Trilogy

12361236 views66 comments77 favs

I start with a morsel of truth, then hide it with lies...

Micromanaged Truth

836836 views22 comments22 favs

Let your father stay through that dinner when his mistress needed him, while your mother was on the verge.

Mid - Loss

10031003 views11 comment00 favs

Mid-Dawn//Mid-Dusk -- Wait for me.

Middle Age

14621462 views1818 comments1414 favs

There are no city-chewed streets,/ only white and lilac blooming dogwood trees.

middle of the night

20702070 views3131 comments1515 favs

Then the moon cried real white tears.


386386 views99 comments88 favs

Even suffering all of these conditions, Louise considers herself one of the lucky ones, as she’s learned there are pills, drops, and creams for all of her problems.

Midnight in Arizona

804804 views33 comments11 fav

I am in a war against the literal. I have sewn these words together to make a stand of birch. I wander the earth gathering moon shadows and swords. Kerosene dots punctuate the Dakota night. An apparition of words hops through a calculus problem and falls into a…

Midnight Mass

11561156 views88 comments22 favs

Mom wraps a bulky-knit scarf around my face and over my mouth. She tightens it into a big knot in back of my collar.

Midnight Riders

22352235 views3838 comments2020 favs

One dinner party, two couples, three bottles of wine. A moonbeam shone on the balcony. They felt a slight shifting under their chairs and heard a quiet scraping sound, then the apartment slid out from the building and lifted away.

Midnight Snack

19451945 views44 comments11 fav

I was about to answer when that something emerged from the woods. It was not an animal, after all, but a woman dressed all in brown. She ap­proached our porch windows. I shuddered and turned away. But her com­ing was inevitable. When I turned back, she

Midwestern Charm

927927 views55 comments33 favs

He slathered the glue on my scalp and talked non-stop about Harlem. Electrodes or nodes, I never asked which, would measure something inside my head. I doubt they actually did though, measure anything. I've had the pleasure of having wires glued to my skull before and have…

MIG Arrangement

606606 views88 comments55 favs

I do not think it good that you, any of you, know what I mean when I say “MIG arrangement.”

Migraine Dreams

14091409 views1010 comments55 favs

I walked the desert of the sun. Light was the sage, the Joshua, and the wild grass.

Migrant Workers

13371337 views1919 comments1111 favs

Emma pushes through the door of the corner market, aiming briskly for her car, keys in one hand, grocery bag in the other, shoulder bag slung. Best not to make eye contact with the loitering boozers and bikers from the bar next door. Double take. Can't…


11181118 views1515 comments88 favs

She is too stylish to be crazy, is what the migrant probably thinks. And he's right.


848848 views1212 comments88 favs

A friend's remark about androgyny, "it's overrated," she said.


14791479 views2020 comments1313 favs

She offers the girl a seat, asks her to stay for a minute, but she can’t, she just came by to say hello, and don’t you like my new raincoat?

Migratory Mistakes

12011201 views00 comments00 favs

Unadorned tragedies pinpoint the worst angles of the road; simple crosses or bouquets line boulders painted with car crash smoke or skid marks that tiptoe to the edge of cliffs and then, apparently, leap.

Miguel's Fence

11951195 views99 comments88 favs

Miguel's mom told everyone if you pressed your ear against the knot, Jesus would tell you special secrets.


13061306 views00 comments11 fav

“Hi, I'm Mike, and I don't wanna work ... Wanna play foos?”

Mike's Confession in the Basement to Being Allergic to Balls

10131013 views22 comments22 favs

He arched an eyebrow.  He was "thinking" — a tricky thing to do, when you never read, even the newspaper.


11801180 views66 comments44 favs

When he smashed his plate in my lap, the dog hung around, licking my wrist and hoping that he would get some milk, too. With my luck, he'd jump in the pool, getting grass clippings all over the edge. My nails were sharp that day, I had to cut them, and I did while…

Milk For Free

19371937 views2121 comments1414 favs

The last time she wore fur-lined gloves...


11361136 views77 comments77 favs

I can barely pick out the numbers on the houses

Milkshake And Fries

19761976 views3636 comments2424 favs

Dexter is a demon. He called me an over-accessorized hot spot yesterday evening and FYI: he didn’t even kiss me. I slammed the door and left my own apartment. I slept in my car.

Milky Way of Impossibility

962962 views66 comments33 favs

Can we meet in the desert, I will stand with a cactus flower clenched between my teeth and balance en pointe. I will tame snakes and find your serpent tongue with my eyes closed. I will usher in the clouds, when it grows hot, and, should you becom