1276 2 2
Christmas Eve arrives with a relief that the season of joy will soon be over so I can feel the pain I am denying myself. Rosie presses her face against the kitchen window, leaving ghostlike impressions of the tip of her nose and her lips on the glass tha
1216 11 6
A pinprick breaks the black/
and pins the spin of constellations/
around its still point.
1495 10 7
The Muse stands at the summit of a paragraph playing with a yo-yo.
1517 4 3
There is nothing so obscure it is not enhanced by talking, nothing so dull it cannot be coaxed into brilliance, nothing so deep it cannot be dug from an abyss and brought to the surface in paroxysms of red.
1886 14 8
My father failed in business in the 1950's when Dutch Elm Disease killed the elm trees in our Kansas town. He owned a fabric store on a brick street lined on both sides by elms, the doomed trees that transformed every Midwestern town into a magical kingdom and sidewalks and…
685 3 1
Just let there be that self-moving thing, a sweet girl mentioned by innocence in an off moment because of her skin, because of the way rain beads up on it.
974 2 0
Fabulous birds perched nearby, where we were. In their memory there goes the little god, original, in the midst of it all, happiness like anything near the river-mouth. Letting yourself dabble in the femaleness of it. In the lower world or on the playin
1080 10 6
The face had become a chilling death mask.
1326 5 5
I got an email notification that your relationship status had changed to Single...
1199 6 2
The sting of a slap will be remembered, as will sex, or at least a fragment of it, such as the face of a man in your room who tied your hands with the belt of your plush terry bathrobe.
1496 8 2
Three months had passed since the grease fire melted Jasmine's face.I sat beside her on the hospital bed and held her clamy hand as she trembled. "No more stir-fry," I joked. The doctor and nurse faked a chuckle. Jasmine might have, but the bandages muffled…
1088 10 9
He looks outside, sees everything disappearing like crumbing cookies into what appears to be a giant mouth.
862 0 0
“Out-of-work samurai have a choice,” says Bobby Ito. “They can terrorize local peasants at county fairs, or underbid low-skilled workers for menial jobs.”
1270 4 2
I was raised in a big city in the slow South. I know a little about cross cultural dining and where Delta Blues collides with Sly Stone, Al Green, and Zeppelin. Dirty rice in the Dirty South. Fried chicken, collards, and pintos. Fried velveeta…
1272 2 2
The spirit bottles line the top of the bar
1261 2 2
There she is. A paper doll of me. The dress, the lilt, the self-hatred. The crowd thins and swells in want of a scene. Conversations begin, pretend, then halt. My gin and tonic sweats into my hand and I lick at the…
1137 0 0
Hits start, enters numbers, runs the program / Does this again one hundred times / Then takes a break
1242 7 4
I can take you away, away, away.
1703 6 7
In study hall Brandon sat like a little faggot so I said “Hey faggot.”“That's right, faggot. Don't look at me. I don't like faggots looking at me. I don't want their faggot eyes on me, faggot.”Bell rang and he walked like a faggot and held his books…
1241 16 8
Their specialty is the roasted Australian hare, long ears intact, arranged on a bed of sassafras.
1812 2 3
“How scared?” Mikey said, not wanting to find out, and already looking pretty nervous.
1130 4 3
Ey’, it’s where I followed him down
246 23 11
Certainly leftover cyanide-based Zyclon-B pesticide from the gas chamber was used to purge the lawn of weeds, bugs and vermin. Very efficient. No waste. Perfectly recycled.
268 7 5
I'm sucking in the environment
1365 9 8
... black holes suck in matter and supernovas explode.
1470 4 2
your leather jacket zip has left a row of teethmarks on her arm
1075 2 0
She had the smile of a pixie on mushrooms in a disco ball universe, and I dug her style.
1455 15 12
She wears three or four tattered sweaters on cool days. She pushes a basket borrowed from a grocery store. There is a plastic lawn bag in the basket with God knows what inside.
1100 0 0
The moonlight illuminated Dahlia’s bare breasts. She remembered when Gerard used to appreciate them.
1257 1 0
She was now sitting in her bathtub. The warmth of the water made her pale, rich vanilla skin flushed with the fullness of circulation as her pores continued to allow the passage of her toxins from her system.