3471 11 3
The man meets a woman while out on his lunch break. She seems nice; they strike up a conversation. Before leaving, the woman gives the man her telephone number. The man goes home and thinks about it.
It’s been a long time since he’s been on a date.
21 0 0
I, too, am guilty of the ancient, air-borne crimeThat for spring of woman usurping womanPerforating senses, she too winters over time. Ah! it behooves, how men like to believeThe more attractive this genome of woman is,The more dedicated will be her love. Disillusioned,…
46 2 0
I have at the soul level only ever known five women if you dont count my mother.
2817 2 2
Foxes haunted her dreams. Islands full of foxes, truckloads of vixen.
3 0 0
Billy Monahan came round the bend across from the brothel, when Thomasius von Bornheim appeared, staggering drunk, quoting lines from the book of revelations, but not revealing anything.“I am a prophet”, von Bornheim cried, “but nobody wants to hear me…
5827 147 79
One can smuggle drugs inside a pussy. (also, see tags!)
24 0 0
I think I know you
and say so
You’re like a
woman I saw once in pajamas
holding a child
running in the rain
The absorption of dreams
in your arms
Maybe because of a man named Donald
who slept on his hair in 1972
and things have ne
1617 4 4
by the time he's moves onto knives, she has appeared in next door's window: sliver of nut-pale belly, fingers wet with suds, nails painted bright as glitterballs.
1430 4 1
Cassie cradles the loaf-sized phone – pinker than any girl – and dials. he's not wearing a hat says the phone and we all scratch our pencils on the boy-list.
2092 22 8
"...when my daddy found out about Jasper, it was too late— mama was already round-&-radiant with Jasper's child. "
1498 4 2
Though she is looking at me, I sense she is seeing someone else. Somewhere else. Maybe a long time ago. Her hair looks like cotton and a silk scarf is draped elegantly across her frail shoulders. Plum lipstick outlines lips almost vanished with age.
112 4 3
“I read somewhere that memory and judgment are the first things clouded by alcohol.”
“Memory would be okay,” she said.
40 9 3
Swing those hips, baby/'Round and 'round...
81 29 10
Would that be power? Yes, she thought so, at least for her, it wouldn’t take much. And the skull and cross bones helmet, would she risk it? She thought so, yes, perhaps.
80 13 9
I was born the day after Christmas.