Stories tagged poetry

Before I Die

633633 views22 comments11 fav know they are not alone


2525 views00 comments00 favs

Language is a human presence

The Passion

7272 views44 comments33 favs

Quarantania, Olivet, GolgothaI have no voice for prayer or song butrestless need pierces my heart with swordsknowing full well the words one findson a mountaintop may never reachthe foothills no matter how loud the shoutyet there is a tree in every seed evenwithin the deep…

Kneecapping the Muse

593593 views66 comments33 favs

In 1997, I was exploring a used bookstore in Camden, New Jersey, when I stumbled across a two-volume hardback copy of The Dictionary of the Khazars by Milorad Pavić, a book I had been meaning to read since it came out in 1984. At $10.00 for the set, I couldn't pass up…


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of this I am certain / one day I will not

Back Story

688688 views66 comments44 favs

I wanted you in the worst way but that's not how I got you.

End Game

717717 views1212 comments99 favs

Where the Story LiesEverybody wants to knowwhere the story lies. Does itlie in childhood? Does it liein old age? Does it lie in anangry outburst or a stingingrebuke? Does it lie in a momentof compassion or in the recognitionof calloused selfishness? Bruisedlove or…


11331133 views99 comments77 favs

I’ve been hacked. Someone has taken over my body, is living my life in another way, is telling racist jokes at a party

dawn calvary

188188 views33 comments22 favs

collar of stars pale blue

If God Answers, Don't Hang Up

204204 views11 comment00 favs

All I know is, something I was unaware of Left that vacant look in her eyes As if I had taken the last brownie of her life And then heard myself laughing From the dark side of the moon Maybe she was just standing in The wrong wind that day

Late Afternoon in the Universe

584584 views22 comments11 fav

In the evening when the sun sinks low and the baths gets drawna tall glass of milk sits slowly spoiling and sweating on the cracked white window sill. And the kids walk across the grass.The birds send out their last farewell notes They sail on the infinite breath of…

2 Haiku

869869 views99 comments77 favs

We’re heading to a Poetry reading when my wife Says “You owe me one” Coming back from the Poetry reading, my wife says “You owe me, big time”

Bone & Air

989989 views66 comments66 favs

Devoid of flesh and muscle, Composed of bone and air.

Puppet X, 1

784784 views66 comments44 favs

I know you, ladies and gentlemen We see the near future through you Your factual face as you sit indoors Youthless In your ordinary chair "Mice run through their vision Mice run through

Edward Ogle the Tenth

741741 views11 comment22 favs

shitting out the Mona Lisa.