Stories tagged poetry

Elise Imagines Herself Behind Flowers: 1938

12711271 views66 comments55 favs

In your mouth is the attic studio Where your father’s brushes lie wet with water

for one dedicated to artemis

13601360 views33 comments33 favs

artemis is but a mincing fawn:/ no sacred bitches need i in my ranks,/ nor hunting dogs to tear a man apart/ when i have teeth enough to bruise fine flanks.

Frances at Virginia Beach

13151315 views22 comments33 favs

My husband waits for him to hurt himself. The boy drinks red wine between movements, Staring hypnotically at the back Of a girl’s head.

A lament

6868 views88 comments66 favs

I should have left by sea, / what good was it / not to suffer the sight / of home shrinking further

insomnia made bearable

18271827 views1616 comments1111 favs

the cheek of you! to dream/ upon my sheets in schoolboy peace/ when here i lie,/ each second spent/ a tranquilized tiger cursed with awareness/ for all the flesh so near its maw.

Word Plus Word Squared Over Anti-pastoral as Truth

110110 views1010 comments1010 favs

The air aches with nothing.


13991399 views55 comments44 favs


The House of the Rising Sun

125125 views77 comments55 favs

I blend in with my jeans and Batman t-shirt as if I am one of them. Just a middle aged woman walking her dog.

The Final Word

123123 views1313 comments33 favs

w o r d

Thought Bubble for the Unobserved

159159 views22 comments11 fav

My accent doesn’t carry well over a milk steamer,beside a man in shorts, pulled-up white socks and New Balance running shoes shouting at a phone.

I'm Done.

791791 views11 comment00 favs

Just another day The rain came from above Wishing I was far away To realize it's just love The echoing heartaches shatter these walls Breaking down the corridors of this lie I know I'm not the only one she calls There's no reason for me…

Braque's Diary of the Atelier Cut-Outs

10221022 views44 comments33 favs

Today, the buxom neighbor carrying blintzes Egged me not to care about What’s not flat. She forgot To bend, clanging together Some fronts and sides.

My Day To Your Night.

536536 views00 comments00 favs

The weather is chilly here in discomfort The goose bumps raise their black flags I've never peered through domes of eternal bliss Those sleek enough, slide past me I seek the empty company in brown plastic bags, With only a few holes and a branded…

when you're not here, your feeling is

970970 views11 comment11 fav

never have i wanted/ to stay in one place long,/ flight inspired to escape/ existential ennui--

Love and Cigarettes

995995 views11 comment11 fav

She's waiting there, for you, in bed but the analgesic cigarette calms your mind more than her heat. She's there waiting, in your bed, eyes closed, fluttering, somewhere between the dream and practical world.