Stories tagged poetry

In My Hometown

705705 views1919 comments1111 favs

in my hometown all the crosses on the mountain are upside down

When I Met Sally

844844 views11 comment11 fav

When I met Sally I was all Unsuspecting Of what powers Might be found In this world and In a woman.


110110 views44 comments33 favs

Proceed, Governor. Venice is underwater. Women have stopped fainting, bestowing us dowries.

Everybody Wants To Be A Writer

168168 views1111 comments44 favs

....apparently they saved the best for last, and that ain't sayin' much

the gift

123123 views66 comments33 favs

You never folded the covers back, Never dipped your precious nose inside To wonder what you were sending

For Kemel Zaldivar after Ginsberg

6464 views55 comments33 favs

Kemel de verdad, I need to know you are not in some ward off 1-95 like the one I used to visit my father.

for a farthing

110110 views22 comments33 favs

after she's spat you out, snickering

Coffee or Kool-aid

195195 views1010 comments77 favs

unengaged refugees coming and going, thorns in the sides of the real revolutionary firebrand bohemians

Lines Proving the Maxim:

1515 views00 comments00 favs

the perfect cannibal

The River of the Parched Spirit

11941194 views1212 comments99 favs

anxiety said Kierkegaard is the dizziness of freedom

The Clod and the Pebble

15021502 views1212 comments99 favs

“Lightning has more longevity than I,”

We Don't Need No Education

16911691 views2727 comments1919 favs

“There’s an ill energy that emanates from your precise heart that I find attractive”

The Concord of This Discord

12731273 views88 comments88 favs

-Love is a rushing of blood

Cento (Christian Morals)

13011301 views99 comments66 favs

Be not a Hercules furens abroad, and a Poltroon within thyself


977977 views44 comments33 favs

I saw you hold her as if you were copy writing a ball of yarn