Stories tagged poem

The Artist Wannabe

10381038 views55 comments55 favs

Hot Weather


131131 views66 comments66 favs

When I go to the protest to be arrested, I tear / pages from the library books. I fold each, tucking

Life as a Porno

15571557 views1515 comments1111 favs

It could as well be late night infomercials/ saturating the screen// with medieval looking exercise machines

Destructive Intent

166166 views2525 comments1616 favs

she drinks him in and savors him like a / sip of the mocha capp sliding down her throat.

Note To Self

10061006 views55 comments44 favs

Along with Bad Bunny comes the reckless dancing the ambulance chases and the long, drawn-on faces

5 True Things

8686 views1111 comments1010 favs

5. When I feel the need to pray because I am too filled with joy or too afraid I pick a tree within view and pray to it.

Ode to an Afro (or Going Natural in a Corporate World)

997997 views44 comments11 fav

In praise of the colorful flock with crowns of teased cotton candy rising high above Modular walls, stalled operating systems staling coffee and pale corner offices

Summer Circa 1960

13781378 views2626 comments2121 favs

A latch key boy, free/ to do the stupidest things-- like jumping// off the carport roof clutching a homemade/ flying machine that couldn’t fly

Basic Principles of Physical Space

740740 views66 comments44 favs

a body lost in thought stays hopelessly lost in thought for as long as the latte lasts and the coffee shop stays open and the moms don’t gather with their baby carriages and the bums don’t bum overly much and the trust funders don’t lose too

Aging Bikers and Biker Chicks on Vacation

798798 views55 comments44 favs

Chin beards, flannel shirts, Levis no boots anymore, just loose sandals their chicks with double triple multiple chins falling asleep on their own palms

Junk Pulse

933933 views33 comments33 favs

Me included...

Awaiting What the Afternoon May Bring

12551255 views1212 comments1010 favs

Another siege/ with kamikaze fervor.

The Night Before the Last Day of Summer

988988 views22 comments22 favs

Tonight is our last night to dream.

Something Horrible Has Happened

11901190 views1414 comments1010 favs

The smart drivers know the signs/ and the back street ways around the wreck.

The Sinking Boat of Evolution

657657 views22 comments22 favs

Living dangerously, I left my house with no glasses, no umbrella. I also forgot my straw hat, no purple dye for my gray hair, my map of the world to come,