Stories tagged nonfiction


10501050 views44 comments22 favs

He brought me flowers once, three wilted carnations I put in water, though the sight of them made me uneasy. He brought me pictures once, too, of three sisters—ten, twelve, fourteen—straddling dirt bikes. He touched my shoulder once, as I edited pictures …

The Moral of This Story Is

11831183 views88 comments77 favs

Always take the train.

The Raisin Effect

10691069 views44 comments44 favs

I imagine diving into a vat of dried fruit, enjoying the unmistakable sweetness in each shriveled morsel, until I find myself biting into an undetected metal shard.

Arcana Magi Behind the Scenes: Character Sheets

15691569 views00 comments00 favs

A behind the scenes look at the character designs of the Arcana Magi Universe.

Last Words

10551055 views00 comments00 favs

I met Barry Hannah once in my life. I’d come to Oxford, MS, to meet an entirely different writer whom I thought then and think now very highly of. I’d also come to escape from another slew of regrets. Oxford is a great city to run away to.

Punk Rock Girls

304304 views33 comments33 favs

Here and there, paper boats smeared with ketchup drift against a tide of brochures: PETA, Planned Parenthood, Greenpeace, while we rage: a joyful storm surge threatening the levy of bouncers.

Sand Dollars

11571157 views33 comments22 favs

“Life is on life’s terms,” she told me once. Her arm, wrapped in clear cellophane, was freshly adorned with a green-pigmented sand-dollar: a living shell.


243243 views11 comment11 fav

You can see the humped black rocks, majestic with that poetic looking surf around them just fine from up here, so most folks never even go down the stairs. They snap one, two, three shots and pile back into their cars and head south for the Trees of Myste

Zurich, 1989

15591559 views1010 comments55 favs

I do not yet really understand the power I seem to have at this moment. And I am certainly too young to recognize that it will end up being weakness, too.

Full Frame

10711071 views00 comments00 favs

A month before the real flowers came, amputated trees for 31 miles were festooned with pink blossoms. The petals were tufts of Fiberglass insulation shorn from houses incapable of withstanding 260-mph winds -- more than twice the punch Katrina delivered t

Headstone II

204204 views2525 comments1616 favs

There was a memorial on the Berkeley Pier where you liked to fish.

Beyond Penderecki

11671167 views11 comment22 favs

From a window, the young Pole Krzysztof Penderecki saw resistance fighters hanged by Nazis...

Bending Bottle Caps

754754 views22 comments11 fav

Always after opening his beer, my grandfather would place the bottle cap between his thumb and forefinger and bend it in half.

Mothering in Real Time

17461746 views1717 comments1212 favs

"If Hillary can forgive Bill, why can't you forgive Dad?" my seven-year-old son wails one night as I put him to bed.

Old Age

10701070 views1212 comments88 favs

Are they too old for life's little pleasures? The answer comes as I pass them on the canyon road one morning.