Stories tagged nonfiction

Will the Real Evil Genius Please Stand Up

135135 views00 comments00 favs

I'm a bit of a freak for the former Syfy show, The Expanse. To the blanching horror of the show's fandom, however, the network cancelled the program last summer after airing season 3. Lucky for us all the romping space opera was picked up by Amazon and season 4 is now…

Elmyr and Clifford's Excellent Adventure

171171 views77 comments33 favs

If you're anything like me you frequently wonder what in the hell is wrong with you. And although it's tempting to take the self-critical route and imagine it's just a “me” thing, this cataloging of one's myriad oddities, I suspect this assumption lies far from…

A Few Words About Juliet, Naked

232232 views33 comments22 favs

HARRY (V.O.): . . . Before he died the guy who wrote the books said Jonny Gossamer (a pulp detective) was a joke. He wrote it for the money, and it was all bullshit. Harmony (a fan of the Jonny Gossamer novels) ignored this. She knew better. I mean, who the hell was he?…

The Serapis Cult and Christianity

135135 views33 comments22 favs

One of the views I've become attached to over the last decade is my suspicion that somewhere in the dusty closet of history, if only I searched hard enough, I would excavate a connection between early Christianity and the Serapis cult. Although I have accumulated some…

Roko's Basilisk Revisited

121121 views00 comments00 favs

I posted earlier in the year an article from about a truly bizarre idea. It told of a thought experiment apparently proposed some years ago in an obscure discussion forum. The young man who thought it up went by the handle “Roko.” The forum's…

On the Deeper Slants of the Universe

702702 views1515 comments1313 favs

Everything makes sense.