1859 4 2
My wife’s voice behind me says, “Where did you get that godawful tee shirt?”
1894 1 1
“I killed a man.”
“Whaaattt???” I'd been meditating on the sun. I figured he was trying to jolt me awake.
1115 6 1
money ain't nothin next to lovin.
30 3 4
My parents told me it didn’t matter how much money you had, if any, so long as you were a good person. At this point I’m not sure they were right.
1138 0 0
I wear my gun so it shows,
so everyone knows.
984 0 0
The real problem, though, was the radiator.
1350 4 1
“There’s cheap land at Cudlee Creek perfect for breeding long-haired rabbits,” he added. “They can’t jump high so fencing costs are low.”
82 1 1
12298 66 28
She leans to see fresh bruises in dawn's early light.
3335 19 8
Once upon a time, on March 8, 2011, to be exact, there was a flash fiction writer named Rinsewater who had a novel idea – flash fiction writers whose stories were published by indie lit magazines must be paid for their work!
40 0 0
His money isn’t just dirty. It’s filthy dirty. If I married him, I would be living on blood money.
1105 1 1
Daddy says he needs to go to the movies at night to relieve his stress, so Momma wakes us up, puts coats over our pajamas, leads us to the car ...
1538 2 2
Janice’s jaw dropped when I told her how much we could get for it. “Enough to never work again and get a nice new pair of these,” I said, squeezing her tits.
1314 0 0
Scribble something basic with traces of spectacular,pen every pint of pain spilled during the massacrewhittle the convoluted down to the vernacularboiled the whole story, now you got everybody crackin' upnow step back from the business like, “man, that's wack as…
1345 4 4
The litany of tough decisions scrawled on. Stencil Gucci on no-name jeans. Buy cheap chocolate and scrape the name off. I looked over and watching the saliva encrusting in the corner of Larry’s mouth, my heart sank.