Stories tagged money

He Says Jesus Walks With Him

466466 views1212 comments1010 favs


That Place Underneath the Spreading Ficus

433433 views1515 comments66 favs

The Birds

845845 views33 comments22 favs

It had been over three months since he’d left his home and started to walk. He’d kept a journal to begin with, but his book soon ran out of batteries. It was that sort of thing that had irked Neil at the start, but now he’d just let it slide down his back

Honey & Darling

105105 views1717 comments88 favs

I hear them whispering to each other over dinner.

The Whore

12111211 views66 comments66 favs

The man and the whore lay in bed together. It was a cold night and they were warmed by the heat beneath the…


975975 views11 comment11 fav

A rose and two dollars. Where did they come from? I didn't know anyone who had visited my parents' grave recently, yet that evening I saw a white rose on my mother's side and two bucks on my father's. I took the money and placed my own flowers with the rose. It had to have…

Scratching into January, 2017

10901090 views1414 comments77 favs

Follow the money. It seeks/ the lowest of the low and finds them here/ in an embarrassing abundance.

The Glass Bowl

867867 views22 comments22 favs

I caught a fragment of a charged argument as I passed them. The young man said, “Well, I am talking about love.” And the young woman with equal volume checkmated with, “Well, I am talking about money.” Though their lives were none of my business, this exc

Sorting It All Out

760760 views77 comments33 favs

To understand how and when things have gone wrong, it works best to proceed from the beginning and put them in order.