Stories tagged micro-fiction

Corporal Punishment

15121512 views1414 comments1313 favs

When I was a little boy, I had a thing about women’s behinds.

Thirty Word Stories

10811081 views1111 comments77 favs

When Uncle Bob got sent to the Alzheimer's ward, the ladies licked their lips.

The City of Lights

11071107 views1111 comments1010 favs

Paris is a great place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there.

The Tease

11861186 views1414 comments1212 favs

She was sick and tired of marriage. She didn't want to be a mother, but now she was.

Best Skill

154154 views77 comments33 favs

Ordinary guy. A wannabe. Aims high...


11021102 views1616 comments1414 favs

“Easter’s coming,” my wife says. “Should I dress as a bunny or a chicken?” she asks. She means for the costume party.

We're Here

122122 views00 comments00 favs

"Let's the beginning...came from...hmmm...does it really matter to you?"

Game Score

131131 views88 comments11 fav

"Stop showing off, man. Every point counts."


11061106 views1313 comments1111 favs

I stomped up the steps clearing my shoes of snow. I was wearing my Rooskie fur hat with the ear flaps, and I kept it on when I went inside.

Lonely Hearts

12301230 views1515 comments1616 favs

He didn't hide it. He told her he was a mortician when he called. He had responded to her ad in the Lonely Hearts section of the newspaper.

If Pigs Could Fly

11851185 views1616 comments1414 favs

One day we turn a corner, and two fat little doggies spot us and come running up. Oh, they are so glad to see us!

No Respect

11341134 views88 comments88 favs

I roll over on the gurney or bed or whatever they call it and pull down my pants and underpants. The nurse gives me a shot in each cheek.

A Madman's Dreams

7171 views77 comments77 favs

Ah, how sweet is forbidden fruit, how delicious undiscovered sin!

The Race

5858 views77 comments88 favs

All the dog owners stood with their dogs at the starting line.

He Said, She Said

13851385 views2222 comments1616 favs

Maybe she would get married and have a baby, she said. Not with me, I said