250 6 5
I got turned around at The Block in a thick, dense layer of alcohol-induced confusion and disorientation, and decided to park and go get a drink somewhere.
The girls were out working.
816 4 4
731 2 2
Can you remember now? How we could each disappear completely, connected despite fault lines. . . .
926 11 8
None of this is real, he says, and the path slopes down to a house that is possibly haunted. One always looks in such windows, one cannot not look at the predictable detritus of another's failure, a queer satisfaction, a fairy's dust. But no, not real, none of it. And…
106 7 7
We lined up opposite one another, instructed to stare into the other person's eyes for fifteen seconds. No talking. The debris of loneliness. Eyes welled with tears.
170 7 7
Watch the ocean turn to yama budo ink, darkish blood swirling with the salt water.
242 3 3
This is no time for those of a religious persuasion. No.
687 7 5
He plucks the feathers and winds thread to simulate an insect’s torso.