79 3 4
---Fuckin' gypsies, someone yelled down to us from a balcony. ---Go home to your mammies and study math!
461 15 11
She was trying on a few pairs of wet jeans in the bathroom, the same jeans she had tried on a few days ago, somehow imagining that soaking wet, they'd fit.Her waist was growing fast now, but, if she believed this would work for her, that wet jeans would stretch or…
77 0 0
Outside we could see the winds bursting sharply through the trees. When an oak actually bends to one side, its bad...a normal person seeks shelter.
159 7 6
I’m not a religious man by definition, but I said two Our Fathers while I was pissing.
1075 5 3
She worked the research desk. Like most ladies before computers and cell-phones she lead a quiet conservative life. She wore dresses, spent time with family and friends...Emma also had been stricken as a child
145 8 7
A chicken vendor twisted the neck of the bird and held the spasming body tightly, while he threw away the head into a basket underneath the counter.
158 20 13
144 14 9
Wicked are the men who dispense enlightenment from the side of the pool, clad only in aquamarine skivvies.
204 13 10
Elvis meant nothing to me.
125 8 4
For every four fingers of good whiskey you down a glass of water.
322 13 11
They all talk in clichés, reading off three by five cards.
121 5 4
"What you need is a miracle, yes?"
I say, what I need is a few Demerol and a handful of Valium.
141 9 5
---What's that word I like?
---You like a lot of words.
---The funny one. That's long.
132 9 6
"ever get the feeling you've been cheated?"
272 8 5
It's David Hasselhoff with some sort of bandana singing some awful shit into a microphone on top of the wall.