by Jake Barnes
When I was a little boy, I had a thing about women's behinds. I liked to swat them. Fat women especially. I did this when my mother took me into one of the local dime stores. I don't know why I liked to swat big butts. Because they were there, probably. The ladies were outraged, of course, and some of them protested. “Well. I never!” they would say. At first my mother paid no attention. I did my work behind her back.
Then one day she caught me. We were standing at the checkout counter at the five & dime. While my mother was paying for her purchases, I swatted the butt of a fat lady who was leaning over looking at something in a glass case nearby. My mother was mortified. She saw me do it. She hauled me out of the store, and on the sidewalk outside, she gave me a swat on bottom. I cried and cried.
When I got home, I plotted revenge. I got it, too. One day I was playing outside, and I caught a little garter snake. I shoved it into the pocket of my overalls. Monday was wash day, and our wash machine was in the basement. The clothing I had worn the day before was in the clothes basket. I heard my mother scream.
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Confessions of a bad boy.
Serves her right. Nice writing.
Bad Boys, Bad Boys,
watchya gonna do
Why do women allow male children to survive? Must be the death wish of the species manifesting itself as maternal forbearance.
Deliciously naughty.*
As my father would have said, "You little shit."*
"some of them protested" :) This first paragraph, in particular, really made me laugh out loud.
I like what's here, but isn't there more to this story?
Aw, I bet you were just practicing for adulthood. *
This is so real, Jake. And very good writing. *
Sweet revenge! *
I'm on Mom's side in this, but I can kinda see where your little boy self was coming from. *
Mean! *
"Because they were there, probably." Ha! Love it.