Stories tagged lists

the last thing

14911491 views33 comments33 favs

salmon maple syrup horseradish smoke detector the list read, scrawled in purple marker on the refrigerator door.


19121912 views1111 comments77 favs

We all build portraits, meaning we all try to encapsulate and thus punctuate time. Why? Because, who among us can swallow eternity whole?

Tips for the Prospective Superhero

16161616 views4747 comments2626 favs

Drop out of school. Buy a journal and keep a list of excuses. Run wind sprints and lay off the beer. Use teeth whitener.

Four Stories I Cannot Write

13551355 views88 comments55 favs

“Per­haps instead of a book I could write lists of words, in alpha­bet­ical order, an ava­lanche of isol­ated words which expresses the truth I still do not know” — Italo Calvino albu­men before child grit secretlyshame august blood …


10311031 views22 comments00 favs

2. Travel To Somewhere Fascinating, Even In Your Own Back Yard!

The 6 Rules of Shoes

941941 views11 comment00 favs

4. If you wear size 13, you'll trip a lot.

Top Ten Ranked Sports Bras Combining Support and Erotic Stimulation

8989 views22 comments11 fav

...beginning with Number Ten a slithery nylon / lycra model from...


16391639 views22 comments11 fav

Her arms are always outstretched, sometimes as though cupping an invisible fragile object. Maybe in her dreams, she is carrying baby birds or engaged in some kind of circus act involving crystal balls or snow globes.


44 views55 comments00 favs

I. Shopping List VodkaFancy Feast for Megan. …


18671867 views2828 comments2020 favs

It's so nice to be under something else's power

5 True Things

8686 views1111 comments1010 favs

5. When I feel the need to pray because I am too filled with joy or too afraid I pick a tree within view and pray to it.

Band Names up the ...

44 views00 comments00 favs

Sugar Cube Full Frontal The Holy Grill Crazy Al and the Squirrels Talk Is Cheap Grilled Cheese Sandwich Cold Zippers Destiny Howl Epiphany Critter Cold Kneecaps Crepes Pulled Pork Baby Seals and the Club Lucky Marmot Road Rage

A Few Good Band Names

10831083 views44 comments33 favs

Auto and the Grease-Pits Sugar Cube Full Frontal The Holy Grill Crazy Al and the Squirrels Talk Is Cheap Grilled Cheese Sandwich Cold Zippers Destiny Howl Epiphany Critter Cold Kneecaps Crepes Pulled Pork Baby Seals and the Club


11071107 views1717 comments1010 favs

The list of things to live for/ shortens with age. The list of regrets/ lengthens.