Stories tagged history

My Search for The First Snowman

47104710 views44 comments44 favs

This was my quest for over 6 years. It would deplete my bank account, test my marriage and get me in with a lot cool celebrities.

Fragment of an Early Novel of the 21st Century

16521652 views00 comments00 favs

But, as his mind twisted like a square peg beating a hole into a round mallet, he sensed it had something to do with penguins. Not that he knew anything about penguins, at that point in time. That would come later, in his days, after this history, where h

Queen Isabella Eats a Pineapple and Misses the Jews

30123012 views2929 comments99 favs

It was Christopher who got her thinking about the Jews again. He had left the same day they did, and so all were connected in her mind, as if together somehow. She read his letters half-wondering if he would mention them, wanting to know if the Jews were

Mercy's Daughter, Chapter 1 : Elizabeth

33 views00 comments00 favs

Bad luck runs in families, Mother always said. And with misfortune, comes malice.

The Night of the Day the Khoi-Khoi Meet Bartolomeu Dias and Crew

23702370 views44 comments11 fav

It keeps coming back to the end of the world. Dogs sitting on roofs, birds flying about indoors, clattering locusts.

Beautiful Plague

13361336 views77 comments11 fav

Jacob Obrecht, you are beautiful. Everything inside your head and everything you’ve ever made is beautiful and singing.

Reportage 1

11661166 views11 comment00 favs

But oh my goodness ladies and gentlemen, out from under the vast reeking field, under this generation another generation has been rising and they are bursting up out of the soil of corpses they were boiling under there all along and they are bursting up o

Accidental Faith

11221122 views22 comments00 favs

Until millennia have passed and the world is dug up For future historians to ponder And through their meticulous disassembling of dirt They will find my book.

Close to Ireland (for the Paddy Group Challenge)

14211421 views88 comments22 favs

The closest I've been to Ireland is Conwy castle on the coast of Wales. It was summer, mid-way through college. I was naive and dreamy then. I wandered historic and literary monuments throughout England and weighed my future options.

Prehistoric History

217217 views22 comments11 fav

Adam Jones wanted to become a caveman.

One Thousand Incarnations and One Thousand Deaths - Part I

12701270 views44 comments11 fav

She heard mortar fire, whose percussive power rose above the tapping typewriter keys. A perspiration of terror broke on Loretta’s brow, under her arms. Then suddenly, the whistling of shells.

The Old Man and the Shark

13381338 views33 comments11 fav

The shark’s voice was dark, warm and scratchy, like dying embers.

The History of Strands

12331233 views44 comments11 fav

We cannot love the past...

Making it Right

36203620 views5050 comments3535 favs

A girl stretched out on the long backseat of the Greyhound bus, her head resting on a bright pink overnight case decorated with colorful stickers announcing the places she intends to go: Paris Cairo Hong Kong Rome.


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She did not know what it would feel like, how it would happen … but she knew it would be done. She knew that it would be magical, like nothing she could see or hear through the cornfields or around the markets.