46 9 3
Because she is waiting, seated on my hotel bed, making comments about my sonic white toothbrush being a vibrator, telling me she’s bi, gorgeous with her poly-amorous discussion and long brown curling hair, with her fawn-like face and delicate breasts, w
5323 18 8
There once was a girl who was lost in a storm. She wandered this way and that, this way and that, trying to find a way home. But the sky was too dark, and the rain too fierce; all the girl did was go in circles.
Then, suddenly, there were arms around her
1058 0 0
Reining her small hands around the molded handle grips, her bottom bouncing athwart and wildly off the seat, Symphony wrenches her center of gravity inward, commandeering as much control from the road it would allow. With her breaks behaving as stubborn
5827 147 79
One can smuggle drugs inside a pussy. (also, see tags!)
1860 5 3
leave a trail of potential weapons dropped from your shaking hands. you must always make it easy for him to follow.
1360 5 2
All wolves, my child, want to be eaten.
1430 4 1
Cassie cradles the loaf-sized phone – pinker than any girl – and dials. he's not wearing a hat says the phone and we all scratch our pencils on the boy-list.
1498 4 2
Though she is looking at me, I sense she is seeing someone else. Somewhere else. Maybe a long time ago. Her hair looks like cotton and a silk scarf is draped elegantly across her frail shoulders. Plum lipstick outlines lips almost vanished with age.
112 6 3
The old man had always known things, was feared and revered up and down the valley for knowing things. I’d heard the stories since the day I was born.
2093 11 10
‘Last week,’ I said, ‘on the radio, there was a competition. The DJ played a sound-bite of a car going over a cattle grid, and people had to phone in to guess which cattle grid it was. I didn’t phone in, but I knew the answer.’
1361 0 0
She did not know what it would feel like, how it would happen … but she knew it would be done. She knew that it would be magical, like nothing she could see or hear through the cornfields or around the markets.
467 1 1
Through a curtain of dark hair only part of the girl's face could be seen. Her expression embodied a reticent sort of tolerance.
1158 0 0
I'm subconsciously a sucker for guys who are no good for my
self-esteem. Or waistline.
1182 1 1
feet soft as eyelids on the tarmac
1178 0 0
a dozen girls with Encarnación's face flit past, whispering kisses along the part of my hair, tickling their hems along the cuticles of my nails.