by Kirsty Logan
open your mouth wide now wider
make sure they can hear that scream
all the way to the back of the cinema. aim
to deafen the projectionist & make the most
of that dental work
your daddy paid for.
look behind you when you run up to the attic
or down to the basement or whichever way
leads to snapping jaws. turn vigorously to the camera
so your hair flips just right. pull
your dress tight so your tits bounce.
leave a trail of potential weapons
dropped from your shaking hands.
you must always make it easy for him to follow.
later there will be a girl who will grab a weapon
and not let go. but this is only the third scene. you
are axe-fodder. you should not have
fucked smoked cursed filled the shape of a woman.
next time only sign on if your character has a boy's name.
too late you are taut-calved & ripe for the knife.
soon you will be dead. open your eyes.
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173 words
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NaPoWriMo, Day 8.
at least she did not die in vain, my girl is squeezing me tighter in the back row
love the breaks, builds the tension love the asides
A stunning piece, Kirsty. Very visual. Great ending.
This is great. The breaks, I agree, do add that last bit needed to make it great. Fine instincts on that decision.
oh, so good, so v bad. slasher girls, slashed. black christmas.
this is a terrific poem
Nice, Kirsty. As Walter says, the breaks build tension in this piece. Like the beginning of opening the mouth and the ending of opening eyes--great way to wrap it up.