Stories tagged food


107107 views1919 comments1515 favs

i found bison, ostrich and deer on my plate tonight.

Broadbeach Bargain Bin

972972 views00 comments00 favs

The ice in Mum’s drink clinked as she rolled the glass across her forehead. “Ith that a gay thing or ith that a vampire thing? ’Coth I’m finding thith all a bit confuthing.”

Six Months

626626 views66 comments22 favs

Bobby raises his wine glass in a toast, I raise mine in return, and we touch them lightly to each other, oh so lightly, as if we are afraid the glass will shatter.

For Starters

747747 views11 comment11 fav

A bar of chocolate stuck in pudding (don’t you see where this is going)

Need food for family

10581058 views00 comments00 favs

The young man pulls out his wallet, grabs a couple of bills and stops short of handing them to the bedraggled man. “So how do I know you’re not going to go out and buy some crack with this money?”

The Strange Reign of the Diet Queen

4646 views55 comments33 favs

Mercie’s regular bridge partner, Francine, had once made the mistake of remarking to Mercie that she seemed to be bulking up, and the resulting hell that rained down taught us all to zip our lips.

Dinner at the Harmony Restaurant

21362136 views1717 comments1111 favs

Balling my fists, I banged them on the retro-formica tabletop. The taste of pufferfish balls in an oleander-infused reduction with a seaweed and pomegranate side-salad tossed in a geranium-rottweiler vinaigrette rose in my throat.

The Hunger Artist

625625 views44 comments44 favs

Please cook out the Kafka. Either you have eaten my saltine. Or you have poisoned the Jell-O. Please fess up.

Qalb elouz

247247 views44 comments22 favs

The sweetness turns your tongue inside out, and the texture of the cake on your inside-out tongue makes you feel all at once like you're in love, and like you're a child again.

Act of Creation

14061406 views22 comments11 fav

Mary ran her cake business in a way she could never have run her marriage. It was by appointment only, full deposit, partial refund (and this purely at her own discretion). Business was terrific and she had to turn down job after job. She only made…


2222 views00 comments00 favs

they had babies - lots and lots of babies. And they drove around in giant, steel tanks that they called cars.

His Venus

370370 views11 comment00 favs

Just a year ago, Dana was fat in a fertility-fetish sort of way, a shiny round Venus flush with lust.


601601 views77 comments55 favs

After the daughter leaves, the mother develops a problem with food. There is always too much, or not enough. There is never the right amount of food in the house after the daughter leaves.

The Seduction

11331133 views22 comments00 favs

You beckon me with an aperitif. The Kir Royal tingles, its bubbles tickling my nose. Its subtle black courant pulls me into your smile. I drink from your lips the champagne-tingle of your kiss.


942942 views33 comments11 fav

I know you through the rich dark brown soilcrumbling in my fingers like chocolate cake.I imagine you nurtured bell-shaped papayas,coaxing their smooth, leathery skinfrom green to yellow,while mangoes, the colors of the island sunset,hung with their tantalizing sweet…