I pulled up in front of this modest little brown shingle bungalow, where there was a real estate sign plunked in the small patch of grass. Then I drove around the corner and parked my 1960 Chevy 4-door sedan low-rider special, which rode low on sagging
"There is, he sees, a large black hole in the center of the window, a vortex toward which the last-ever train now races..."
Harpo was there with his wife. Harpo’s girlfriend came up behind the couch where I was sitting, and I ran my hand up her leg underneath her dress.
This time, he didn’t admire the fish for very long. He was close to shore and tossed it up on the rocks. Before the fish could flop its way back to the water, Quentin lobbed a broad stone at its head.
He was on the floor, on his back, and his tongue sort of lolled out of his mouth, and drool was pouring over the side of his face, which was all tight and squeezed shut. He had fallen on his back. We didn’t know if he’d hit his head or what. It was
...I am so out of this numbfuck place, this tired valley...
I built the fence myself, strong and high and aesthetically pleasing. It was high enough to provide privacy on both sides, but from my bedroom balcony I could see everything. More than I wanted to see.
Jakarta launches women-only train carriages
to avoid groping
Jakarta men are totally flabbergasted
Jakarta population numbers appear to be
on the wane
Stalin and sex. These S&S were taboo.
We knew nothing about.
Paradox... no-one can answer ... (190 words)
It's going to be expensive, but it's booked and I am going to enjoy every single minute of it.
He was triply satisfied: he’d come twice and he was a damn good-looking man.
To conceive of them separated was unthinkable to every wet-eyed soul at the burial.
Everybody will be talking about it
on campuses across the country
“Hey! You’ll never guess who’s toilet
I bought. I’m not shitting you!”
She drew her hands out of the chest cavity and looked at the clock.
‘Time of death,’ she said.
Father hands Billy a length of rope. Billy builds his resolve, fights back his tears, heads into the kitchen. It's time to become a man.