Stories tagged childhood

How Bittie Betina Learned to Fly

517517 views99 comments77 favs

Because she is so little and there is so little to do, Bittie Betina spends some mornings dropping bits of colored thread through the cracks in the floor.

cake tin rusted

212212 views2424 comments1111 favs

the farmhouse of your childhood lies

Color Wheel

15321532 views1919 comments99 favs

I remember the tan guinea pig, dead of dehydration. Through the wire bars of her cage I viewed her body. She lay stiff on her side, stretched out, as if in her guinea-pig dream she had been running through grassland, open and close to the sky.

Old Houses

10041004 views00 comments00 favs

The rocking chair will bite your toes.

The Patterns of the Rails

2626 views55 comments11 fav

The gel is cold against my bare legs and bare feet, but I listen to the woman and try to do what it is she wants me to do. She asks me to pretend like I am bicycling in the air, and I lean back on the squishy mat and rotate my legs. She asks me to kick.

Beatnik Blonde

19721972 views3535 comments2121 favs

everything plus zero stays the same


2525 views11 comment00 favs

“Well, there you go. Jesus won't let you drown.” They all looked at each other in agreement as one of them said this. I looked all over the pool room. I didn't see Him. Through tears and in between sobs I told them so.

from something now comes then

198198 views66 comments00 favs

standing hereknee deep in daydreams watching the day sky changepinks and bluesmelt with smooth yellow huesif i could only tastethissunset taffyridingat night in my uncle's convertiblewatching the…


11901190 views11 comment11 fav

My sister, Bonnie, is busy with the dishes as I enter the kitchen; I toss the mail I was sorting through onto the table and look around for Sophie, my four-year-old daughter. "Bonnie, isn't she ready…

Right in the Back

912912 views22 comments00 favs

I loved baseball and still do, but if you saw me at eleven years old you would not mistake me for that kid over there, the one with even an ounce of talent. Mine you’d measure in atoms.

Why God was Vovka`s follower

517517 views1919 comments77 favs

Stalin and sex. These S&S were taboo. We knew nothing about. Paradox... no-one can answer ... (190 words)

Riposi in Pace.

14571457 views22 comments11 fav

It was too young to be love. We were 5, a buzz-cut me, and you, plated with babyteeth

The Stay Apparatus

290290 views00 comments00 favs

I'm upside down on my hands with my eyes to the drain, when the bottom of the tub shakes free of the rest of the bathroom and starts sinking. I descend with it into the dark water, past the submerged pipes, down into a bubbly abyss.

Cory's Carousel

12391239 views11 comment11 fav

There was an ownership about the makeshift carnival. There was a therapy there.

In transit

939939 views22 comments11 fav

Clare sits bolt upright in the hard plastic chair, warily tracking every passer-by. In her lap, Kim’s hair is damp with sweat, dark blonde curls melting against her flushed cheeks. Clare absently strokes the length, soothing both of them.