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The Dork Shoe

745745 views33 comments33 favs

A strange man tapped my door and held up the shoes for me to see. “It is the Dork Shoe,” he said. I looked past him at his dusty station wagon filled with boxes. “I have your size right here.” I observed the halo of his gray hair as he…

Poets House, NYC (revised)

14781478 views33 comments22 favs

Oh, you can’t stay, your poetry/ Is still out in the world, maybe when you die/Your volumes will make their way/Not just here but everywhere

Ten Books That Have Stuck with Me Off the Top of My Head as I Make Them Up, #2

11531153 views33 comments22 favs

#2 The Typewriter Inside You by Harmon Gentle—I found this one at a garage sale when I was 15. Intended as a manual for sharpening one's typing skills, by the third chapter it became obvious that Mr. Gentle's sanity had slipped, and that rather than mastering the…

The Numerous Uses of the Middle Finger

630630 views33 comments33 favs

They’ve got sketches for The invention of the middle finger At the Museum for The Gathering Clouds of Innocence So, why not go there and get a feeling For the meaning behind everything? Okay, here’s the truth I was so busy giving people th

Valentine for a Homely Couple

11581158 views44 comments33 favs

It's none of my business, where Carl puts his prick. But I know one thing; Them Bohunk women go to pot quick.

for one dedicated to artemis

12691269 views33 comments33 favs

artemis is but a mincing fawn:/ no sacred bitches need i in my ranks,/ nor hunting dogs to tear a man apart/ when i have teeth enough to bruise fine flanks.


10511051 views44 comments22 favs

He brought me flowers once, three wilted carnations I put in water, though the sight of them made me uneasy. He brought me pictures once, too, of three sisters—ten, twelve, fourteen—straddling dirt bikes. He touched my shoulder once, as I edited pictures …

Dishwater Panacea

11321132 views66 comments33 favs

Suds, like gossamer bandages at her wrists, concealed the turbulence below but could not relieve it.

Keeping watch

10941094 views66 comments22 favs

The machines are alive but she is not. The pads keep her face from being irritated but my mind isn't so lucky."Let me GO!" she least that's what I hear. They are waiting for permission for her to go. Eager hesitation best describes the tense…

September Morning

15921592 views22 comments33 favs

Helen’s mind is not on business. It’s on a pinpoint, a potential, a something so microscopic it’s more a nothing. In her center, it hums.


20512051 views55 comments22 favs

He had been the innocent stooge for a young girl's selfish dreams. He vowed to be more careful. He would rather be lonely, if need be, than compromise himself with girls like that.

The Ghost

709709 views44 comments33 favs

I stroll out to the front lawn, and find myself against the sea of grass, painted daubs within the frame of a distilled rock. My ears attuned to the starlets warbling on the twisted branches of the lone tree, flock of wings that find subtlety and shine in the rapture…

Can a Hummingbird Sing?

848848 views33 comments33 favs

I'm the first child she ever knew that couldn't sing.

Let’s Make a Landscape

14011401 views44 comments33 favs

Viewed correctly, nature is an inexhaustible storehouse of clichés. A successful landscape is their pleasing rearrangement.

An Interlude of Stephen Miller Thought

640640 views55 comments33 favs

If I have not heard of it it doesn't matter. My hearing is a life force.

Caterpillar on a Chalkboard

11071107 views33 comments22 favs

What do you want me to tell you about this next full moon cycle that you don't already intuitively seem to have touched upon in your latest bout of almost there dreams? It too will pass? That it is a totally different unfair animal from the repellent one already…

Future Children As Rocks

674674 views33 comments33 favs

I feel like I should tell you things about strength.

A Life Lived In Outline

979979 views22 comments22 favs

He began life as we all do, an almost indeterminate blob. Ultrasound sonar plotting his outline on screen. The echo chambers of his beating heart dispelling the ectoplasmic impression of mere ghostly existence. His rudimentary …


11371137 views33 comments33 favs

The white Styrofoam box sits on the prep station. It was delivered a few hours earlier. Half awake, I don a black apron and grab a large cutting board. To keep it from slipping, I put the cutting board on a damp towel laid…

Treading Water

13651365 views33 comments33 favs

I can tread water like this for months maybe longer

Paul Gauguin: Annah la Javanaise

13371337 views99 comments22 favs

It's the outrage of the red monkey at her feet, And the nude thirteen-year-old woman sitting upright In the blue velvet chair, and the hints of blue at her navel, And at her lips and belly and crotch, that so upset Paris. Gauguin had his nerve

After Grief

13341334 views55 comments22 favs

Within a day, she had a scummy apartment which belonged to the government. It had cockroaches, which she was not used to. They churned her stomach, repulsive little things. Not even creatures. Two brains, she'd read: one in the head, one in the ass.


11661166 views55 comments33 favs

a beautiful cool quiet day


15581558 views22 comments33 favs

The reaction had started, the hives and respiratory swelling. Maddy huffed for air, each inhalation rattling her throat louder, more hoarse.

Hip-Hop Lit: New and Noteworthy

10511051 views44 comments33 favs

Her son was doubtless the biggest wanksta that ever went to Andrew Jackson in the whole crumby history of the school.

Turtles Don't Have Hair

16391639 views77 comments33 favs

“You’ll have to do better than that,” Skip says. My husband laughs. He has a high girlish chuckle when he’s truly delighted. He can sing really high like a girl, too. “All right,” I say. I leave my headband

Two poems

11331133 views33 comments22 favs

I cut myself. Often. The bloodslice like thin lips parted/in prayer. life’s color drained to ashen/as the old world spins, pirouettes/like a circus dog on the back/of a galloping horse.

Bright Red Leaf

826826 views44 comments22 favs

Little scoundrel Name of leaf, No one knows He's a thief. The shadows stretch, The birds fly south, And summer's a word Of ash in the mouth When all of a sudden The colors are gone But for a red…

Pictures of Mona

863863 views44 comments22 favs

Jersey's ex-girlfriend calls him on a Saturday in the fall and asks if he'll help her find her cat. She says it ran off on her while she was taking it for a walk in the park. He thinks for a second about asking her why she was taking a cat for a walk in the first…

A Good Sized Puddle Suits the Fish Between My Ears

10341034 views33 comments33 favs

Tell me everything about yourself, if I could care, I can pretend, let me pretend.