946 3 3
In Nebraska, I looked up from the flatness, to her face, then down to the page and saw this: Real people have joy.
1203 4 3
Let me swim into your eyes. Let me show you my world. My album. My Albania. My albumen.
1231 4 3
It was a wake-up call. A sign that I needed to stop and ask if I was making wise and sensible life choices.
My iPod was full.
1201 5 2
Have you ever seen a body of words give birth to a paragraph? I won't lie. It's a little gross. But quite moving. First there is the biology of reproduction. A blackbird living in an electric guitar, for instance, and its inexplicable urge to mate with an elephant.…
796 3 3
“the calendar of my future was in there!”/
yes: all tomorrows belong to the dead cats,/
their decisions relinquish one day per day.
853 6 2
among and begin / bouquets
813 3 3
“Hey! You can’t be
whistling on Greyhound,”
the bus driver said,
looking up
in the rearview mirror.
1325 2 1
time. Night after night he's up, restless. What if she knew his plans? If only he'd bypass his miscalculations and slip through
807 5 3
I needed a job. They needed a writer without humanistic moral qualms to create slogans for the Human Annihilation Project
1222 5 3
Oh my god - A plagiarizing pony - I know someone must have said that before
1064 4 3
Skulk like a lovespun spider in a record store corner
on the orange formica subway car
1215 5 3
He can become anyone. If he wants. He'd rather not but it's not his choice.
1178 4 2
In the exquisite now, I feel everything around me, in me, before and after, I think, I should call you, say goodnight, but I do not, choose instead to write this poem, as though I can capture the magic of what is happening between us in words, A…
1028 10 2
...cinched the handcuffs.
1294 7 3
Where I went to college, you couldn’t swing a dead cat in a physics lab without hitting a Nobel laureate. I know–we tried. They finally made us stop–it wasn’t fair to the cat.
919 3 1
Biting my tongue instead of lashing red stripes
1396 8 2
“What are you doing after this?” I asked, faking a self confidence I didn’t truly posses at fifteen. I didn’t seem to realize that I wasn’t old enough for any of the clubs they’d go to. I’d heard that fans sometimes followed the band to an after-party.
1065 3 3
" . . . it's overcast with scattered rain along the Wabash River as I approach the federal correctional complex . . . "
1406 4 3
Somewhere in her the name triggers/
a grainy chain of Cheech & Chong
1167 6 2
I was, so I was told, the product of much hard work and a lot of invasive procedures. Initially, I'm sure my parents were making love, but then came the slog, the repeated failed attempts at getting one of mother's millions of eggs fertilized. Those tadpoles just couldn't…
1141 3 3
Hollow as spit over rock
Was the mood in the library...
709 2 1
A couple, an unlikely match, came together for a brief interlude of time. It was marked, almost a kind of bar code; beginning, middle and almost end. Almost end was not "the" end because it was seemingly fated that they continue the journey through life, if not together, at…
1447 2 0
The morning sun rose up over the flat prairie, and the powdery snow crunched as you walked on it, and the air was so crisp it hurt as you took a breath. That is good, I thought. That is how you knew you were alive, and I was truly very alive, and there was not much to do so…
1145 3 2
The voice on the other end mumbles, not forming words, but I understand: I am to be the starting third baseman for the Detroit Tigers.
1548 6 2
Did you take out the trash? Did you water the ficus? Did you cancel the cable? Did you take my black sweater? Did you tell the neighbors? Will you get the friends? What about the cat? Will you send me a Christmas card? Will I tear it up? Did you know…
1348 3 2
1023 3 3
in case something went wrong
997 5 3
There is a woman in here- I am never alone- but she is fully clothed in Detroit Derby Dolls gear and stands at a modest seven inches tall.
283 5 3
Remember Ben Nevis? Trying to reach the summit,seeming to take forever until it seemed to take a second,some song (not heard before or since) playing maniacally on someinstrument in our heads,or maybe it was just in mine.Familiar …
926 3 3
“C'mon Billy, don't be s-s-s-s-scared.' said the voice coming from under the bed. Billy looked over the side and saw a pale white, bony right hand with it's forefinger beckoning him protruding out from below. The nails were yellowed and cracked. And long. Very, very…