Sometimes you want to strike out at me. What is stopping you? There is no stopping you. You know I will not retaliate. Gone is all that I will be to you then.
I still see Big Mama leaning over her garden to pick a zinnia to put in her still life. Her old pink slip, hanging diagonally a foot under her hiked up, ragged, stained dress, half covered by her paint smock, which matched her white, faux fur, bedroom sli
Having read the poetry of Dennison
I hereby give up writing.
—Frank, how is your sex life?
They were just boys, the Nazis I mean, young in their twenties, not much older than my brother Cyril.
Sunday, Nolan and I drop by the ice rink on 10th and Alma to watch the amateur hockey leagues battle it out in an unspoken yet assumed class war: the buff, unemployed rink bums who can grind ice, cross-check, and stick handle like the pros, versus the dou
"Shouldn’t I be able to easily get my arms around nothing?”
Prabo was late.
It wasn’t like him, I thought, sitting on the steps of the Galle Face Hotel, the Indian Ocean pounding the beach abutting the nearby Galle Face Green and spraying fine mist everywhere. Or at least it didn’t seem like him.
The man next door came over with a pitchfork.
Diamonds are for suckers
Diamonds are for the miserable at heart
Keep that in mind when you are busy
Puffing out your chest and
Slipping on your dancing shoes
We were about to witness the release of souls
From the captivity of flames
At th
The porous bear the anchorite’s vial
Maybe this very short story is about shyness. Maybe. I'm not sure.
I am the Poet Laureate of my bedroom
I am the Poet Laureate of 6065 Chabot Road, Jokeland
I am the Poet Laureate of the Loser Café
I have wind in my shoes if not my hair
I am the Poet Laureate of Karmic Impulses
Of tabloids and gossip
I am
Finding a soft pink blanket I prepared a place by the dirty window where he watched his world from a corner of his life.
I got the news that you had died as I was
eating American chop suey, watching the Celtics.
Elvis awoke in a cold, dank sweat, hungover from bourbon and bad dreams.
accidental ground/
for index-fingered figures
A patient with a B-Cup hygienists hears “The tissue is a little red around this back molar" as "I missed you in my little bed this morning."
But there it was, amid the “junk” set to be thrown out with the rest of his childhood, opened accidentally to the page of his Indiana Jones Action Journal about his winter formal when he was sixteen.
John held up his pistol and racked the slide to chamber a round. He told me that he knew a few things. He knew I'd knocked up Nikki. His girl. He knew I'd taken Nikki to the free clinic in Gresham. He knew I wasn't…
In winter The Woods sleeps and the Woodsman comes. He collects the dead wood and makes coal. He nurses the injured animals and prepares the dying. He distributes the snow and regulates the temperature. In his fur hat…
First of all, there was no snow. I seem to remember that. And there was no Christmas tree in the house.
When the world is quiet, all your thoughts demand attention.
You know how it is, one day a good friend sends you this long note telling you how-the-hell they are or aren't getting along in the frigging world
Fold in the edges.
Creases marked and thumbnail pressed.
Don’t look up.
Fold in the edges.
I don’t want to debate polemics while I’m sweaty and naked. I just want my hair cut.
People tell me my personality is a drug. Could be. My shadow is a spine. And I have the current density of copper. A welcoming face. Opium eyes opium thumbs. The piccolo is parenthetical. …
Winston Peacock had had a long day that New Year’s Eve of the final full year of his old life. There had been contemplation about the grave failures, the money lost. The third quarter of this past fiscal year had been especially dismal.
In September she had been wise.
Robot telephones me today...