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10131013 views44 comments44 favs

Hours later, when I was on the phone trying to explain in broken Greek that I didn't have the money to pay damages, I started to retrace my steps from that souvenir shop I reduced to dust.

The Passenger

10341034 views33 comments33 favs

I will not leave the boat. The sea has left you.

What a Monster I Would Have Become Had I Gone Through Life Unimpeded

11611161 views1313 comments77 favs

the title of this poem

Impossible Windows

231231 views44 comments22 favs

The silent that are silent, they know no defiance. They are the true inexplicable, the true unheard. Science is Religion, Religion is not Science. The image of the word, it is not itself the word, it is just as it is, an image, some thing for the eyes,…


885885 views44 comments44 favs

coast to coast

Stephanie and the Scientists

11471147 views22 comments22 favs

The research facility is located at the bottom of a steep and jagged valley, far away from Heaven, and the anguished eye of The Almighty.

Silly Old Man Acting the Young Fool

998998 views77 comments66 favs

The green on your shoulder Is worth all their papery property taxes And then some. They cash in every friendship As if it were nothing more than a Ripened apple for pie. Get rid of The thing before it begins to Rot into some…

The Green Glazed Elephant

11041104 views22 comments11 fav

The elephant was breakable and I know that my grandmother held her breath every time I went near it, and I was repeatedly cautioned that it was not to be played with only admired. She taught me in her own way, respect for it. She may have commented on the green with a bit…

It Seems You've Stumbled Upon My Bildungsroman

12651265 views22 comments22 favs

Why yes I began writing this, my bildungsroman, Who is Mitsy Jackson, in spring, 1974 or thereabouts, and thank you so much for asking.

What 68 Years on Planet Earth Have Taught Me

11961196 views88 comments1010 favs

Life is not always quixotic.

Ennui of Wings

14161416 views2424 comments1414 favs

Does flight exhilarate the sparrows

A State of Affairs

890890 views44 comments33 favs

We could act the anthropologist.

Hope Is Not a Political Solution

844844 views44 comments44 favs

Hanging out at the Imaginary Friends Café with all my imaginary friends, poets, itinerant musicians, etc. Writing close to nothing. Can’t finish a thought, so I’m composing a book called “Not Quite Haiku,” which is unfini

Roses, They Can Hurt You

286286 views33 comments11 fav

Sally Sally Sally, don't you go round those roses,those roses, they can hurt you. Now that someonehas written a poem about youit is maybe not the poem you would want written about you.In another universe you may have been a revenge haikuprinted on a greeting card on…


986986 views1010 comments88 favs

i learned all


10361036 views55 comments33 favs

Marie and Mary lay side by side, partitioned by flimsy blue vinyl on cheap plastic rollers.


10671067 views33 comments33 favs

Violet goes with her mother to the home, delivering cookies to old folks. She's getting to hate how she goes along with everything her mother asks. Some of her friends are rebelling already, and Violet feels something under her skin. It's still just a dark shape, lurking…


10701070 views44 comments33 favs

YOU cross the park as the evening gathers, the playground is deserted, streetlights spark up orange beyond the trees that veil the main road. You feel your journey pushing at your back, the last scraps of the energy of a train hammering north. At the far edge of…


15911591 views11 comment22 favs


The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 26

10041004 views33 comments22 favs

Friday afternoon. Angelique Brody knocked Francesco’s studio door.

All I Know About Grandfather

13741374 views66 comments44 favs

There were days in my youth when, through no fault of their own, my parents could not drive me the seven mile trip to my elementary school. When I got older they bought me a bike and that proved duly adequate as conveyance. But when I was six years in age

Pictures of False Hope

777777 views22 comments22 favs

We were busy painting pictures of False Hope on the face of Reality. Tattoos really. But they faded with time. And I now know this: Nostalgia isn’t what it used to be. I saw an older writer in a slouched-down Fedora, gray beard and long sc

You Might Be Miss Piggy

288288 views77 comments11 fav

You might be Miss Piggy. But I'm not Kermit the frog.I miscalculate the sums of our predicamenttrying to catch the dragonflies, rolling aroundthe dampness of our resenting this old modern world.You might be Missy Piggy. But I'm not Kermit the frog.I'm just here…

Sneaker Waves

924924 views33 comments22 favs

On the way inside, Peter stopped a moment on the deck and scanned the trees for the raven he and Lottie had seen at lunch. It wasn't there. Of course it wasn't there. He scanned the beach, the rocks and broken shells, the damp stinking rafts of seaweed with their rubbery…

That Was Then, Not Now

908908 views66 comments33 favs

Memory is unreliable, of course-/ re-coloring savored scenes-/ paler here, more saturated there-

Enough, Trump

12501250 views1313 comments1111 favs

Enough, Trump. We've had it my dear, with your pink ties, your hairs, your swagger, your towers, your money, tempers, walls, bombs, smarts, snarls, pouts and doubts, bigotty bile, and once again, style. We just…


12631263 views2020 comments1616 favs

The night before his mother's teeth began chattering.

Glory Hobble

13741374 views1919 comments1212 favs

I was to limp with stunned, growing horror, as I navigated through the swirling smoke and maze of human corpses...


15711571 views88 comments88 favs

It took all four of his kids to convince my father to pull the plug. Mom's car crash had left her a vegetable, but of course he hung on. Once they withdrew life support, she was gone in ten minutes. The first thing our father said was that he was hungry. He felt…

Excuse Me, I’m Writing a Poem Here?

10961096 views44 comments44 favs

I’m up to my kneecaps in mockery and swill, and … Excuse Me, I’m Writing a Poem here? Thank you. Sheesh! As I was saying, I’m up to my kneecaps in mockery and swill. And I meet someone who names all his fish after people he doesn’t l