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11631163 views44 comments44 favs

My father died. I took his clothes.

Dr. Doom

20192019 views4141 comments2323 favs

I passed out one night while I was standing at the sink brushing my teeth.

A Tragedy In Three Acts (St. Petersburg Blues)

12961296 views00 comments00 favs

His thought was shattered then by the horrible grind of the telephone in the hall. Surely not for me, he thought. One of the other tenants has a friend who’s landed vipivka, no doubt after 39 straight days of hunt. Booze is so damnably hard to find

Encounter with Lover's Daughter

769769 views00 comments00 favs

What happens when you accidentally run into your lover's daughter on a plane.

SUPER DAD flies coach

14851485 views33 comments33 favs

“I don’t want to scare you,” the stewardess says, “but there are ten police officers waiting for you outside the plane.” I reach into the diaper bag and grab an Elmo raspberry/pear cereal bar, rip it open, take a bite, sip some apple juice fr


14761476 views2424 comments1313 favs

You hear the thrum of blowflies first...

The Man who was followed by butterflies

10931093 views11 comment00 favs

They hovered and darted but, after a while, they seemed to be always around him. Lapping at him like the mellow waves that stroked the muddy bank.

a type of lullabye

817817 views11 comment11 fav

the rain on the windowhammers out a symphonyfor ninety Underwoodsand oh what a savage performanceit does take to soothe this beast

Do You Smoke?

623623 views00 comments00 favs

Do you remember buying me a pair of knee-high boots? They laced up the front, I think. Really cool boots. Strange, the stuff you remember. To be truthful, I can't remember exactly what information Sharon and I exchanged about you. I know we didn't get


11801180 views1010 comments44 favs

"Nice one, sir," the toilet said.


11201120 views66 comments22 favs

The goose on the roof isn’t aware it is doing anything odd...

The Mosaic Thief

15051505 views66 comments11 fav

Bit by bit I was traveling away, we thought. Maybe I’d join myself, all together, in Toronto. Or in an industrial coffee can. Or in the closet. “Check the closet,” I pointed.

Dapplegrey (Where He Lived)

977977 views33 comments22 favs

A short time ago, a man who lived near me got angry. He woke up one morning and torched his house, with his wife and stepdaughter still inside. He drove up I-35 to the Georgetown airport, got his plane, and flew it into the Echelon Building in Austin.


10191019 views22 comments11 fav

The feline apotheosis of Ish - Shroedinger’s cat.

Looking Back On the Night That the Easy Went Under

10631063 views33 comments22 favs

Where were you the night Katrina destroyed New Orleans? Oh, what a night... A week later, most of the city was still underwater, with hundreds or thousands of folks presumed dead, and tens of thousands…

I'm No Chickenshit

10221022 views00 comments00 favs

Would a chickenshit leave her like I did yesterday?

October Day Salute

931931 views00 comments11 fav

The duty of a student can be summed up in a sentence To benefit the race of man with thoughtful independence

We Are Not Joaquin Phoenix

10751075 views7575 comments3030 favs

Joaquin Phoenix has inspired me to quit writing and purse my true lifelong passion.

He's So Pretty I'd Dump My Boyfriend For Him

813813 views22 comments00 favs

I remember when we first met, telling my friends, He’s so pretty I’d dump my boyfriend for him. I remember driving all around Elmhurst looking for parking. We sat in the car eating figs and popcorn. We tried to throw the fig pits or stumps, or wh


847847 views00 comments00 favs

Everything I write is gold, he mused. My words spill onto the page like ambrosia, nectar of the gods, filling an empty vessel with immortal life.


12351235 views22 comments11 fav

People crawling up out of the chimney, then onto the roof, then sliding down it and off over the edge disappearing from view.

Silly Sad Sausage

764764 views22 comments00 favs

(...) Suddenly there is a tram passing by and kills the Sausage (...)


22222222 views3939 comments2020 favs

This morning, she woke to the banshee: “Individuals must get up early and put in a full day’s work in this economy!”

Small Man

922922 views22 comments11 fav

When Reg Cuff heard that Sandlewick's abandoned Tiny Town model village was up for sale, he sold his home and failing business and moved right in.

A mere second is enough...

925925 views22 comments22 favs

This was why the man on the bicycle was still in time to turn his head to her because he thought it was his sister who lived in California, because she wore the same jacket and in his inattentiveness almost ran over another cyclist.


853853 views00 comments00 favs

After going to the garage and moving at least 4000 boxes of junk we found the coat rack. We wrestled it up the stairs to my room. I wasn't much help, but Dad was cool about it. I think he was just happy I liked the suit.

The Soft, Cool Blanket of Night

10421042 views00 comments00 favs

wrap me in the soft, cool blanket of night. waning,the moon peers down at melike the heavy-lidded eye of some cyclops. and if I be lost like poor Odysseus,cloak me in the soft, warm wool of night. and if my eyes fail me like old Tiresias,stitch the cloth with…


875875 views00 comments00 favs

Lips to graceful curve, / Found a well from which / This dancing lifeblood comes / (Again and again)...

What He Lost Round the Mountain

10551055 views44 comments33 favs

The plane passes the runway, dips sharply, its shadow straight down below, too cold in the cabin, the sun hitting your arm like a machete below, it is 94, the humidity too, it has just rained for 3 days, it never rains this time of year......

Badface Investigates - Fighting

10601060 views11 comment00 favs

I’m lying on the floor curled up in the foetal position and about six people are stamping on me. [...] It’s really confusing down here, what with all the kicking.