by Navjot Singh
I remember the times when we were
together and shared some great moments
of joy, friendship, sorrow and sometimes anger.
The times which were free of worries.
Wish we could go back
And recapture those moments again.
Now I realise you were the one
whom I had been searching all my life
as a friend, companion, guide and my love.
But now I miss you so much.
Where are you now?
I wish, I would have stopped you from going.
I wish I had realised my mistake then.
I wish….I wish…..I wish…..
Please forgive me for what I did.
Remember for the time we spend together.
If ever you felt something about me.
If ever you thought me as your friend.
If ever you remembered those moments.
If ever you felt we should be together.
If ever you felt that you loved me even once.
Then, please forgive me and come back.
You are the reason I live.
You are my soul, life and sole motivation.
I love you from the bottom of my heart.
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This is a poem I wrote when I was missing someone...someone even I don't know and haven't met yet. Its just that I was missing that special someone and came up with this.
Reading your poem made today a better day. Thank you. You have the gift of declaration. I hope you return to The Hopeless Romantic soon with more poetry. One thought: In your next poem, might there be a figure of speech to heighten the sensation? I learn to write by READING and WRITING. Good poems make good teachers. Sara Teasdale's poems of loss and love are good teachers. She is a master of the trope.
Amicus poeticae,
Neal Whitman
Glad to hear that this poem made your day. Well hoping to write something more like this. Will consider your suggestions next time. Appreciate the feedback.
Very nice and touching!