The three kings decide to leave their kingdoms, all on their own without family, retainers, armies or servants, and wander about the middle east carrying valuable items.
My friend once told me about this island of trash in the Pacific. He said that if you threw a piece of trash in any body of water it would find its way there somehow.
Through by the sands and the rocks we were going and the lake liquid had tumbled the stones by the thousands so that while the water was still we could see agates and yellow jaspers and other or even the odd and misspent piece of rounded glass green or white safe…
“You know, Miss Viv, I love looking at the sun when it’s almost gone. It kinda looks like an orange and apple squished together. Those are the colors. And the puffy clouds under it look like a bed. It’s going to sleep."
I want to tell you things you do not know.
Proudy's head thumped to the burnished brass-accented oak bar and rolled through a multicolored gaggle of parasol-sprouting cocktail glasses, scattering akimbo their umbrellature like a drunken stagehand lumbering through the set of Mikado
“I do not know if you can hear me, or if you can talk to me. Some people do not believe in people like you, you know, spirits, ghosts or whatever you are. I do. I know you are here because of what happened here.” I could not speak. I did not feel I could.
The old man looked expectantly down the street, and, seeing nothing, turned back to his cup of tea.
Five dollars this tea had cost him, but it was worth it, not only for its quality- it was exceptional- but for the visitor that cup of tea would bring.
He trudged up the steep, antique, spiral staircase to his study. Many hours had been spent in the sanctuary of this room, studying, praying, sleeping; however, now his intentions were much different.
The news just now that you are dead
And the urban sprawl doesn’t hesitate. All around me, I taste the aftermath of bricks, dust and dirt, freshly laid concrete slabs.
If you don't want to die, go fetch me a pie
The sun was a red beet and it waited low in the sky but I didn't know for what reason. You could look right at it and forget for an instant about tenement buildings and hydro lines, or the dirty city in general. I tied my shoes and got some water…
They used to send Steven a check in the mail every 2 weeks. It was the only thing he looked forward to, it was the only mail he ever got. When it stopped a month ago he thought maybe it was just a fluke, got lost in the mail, something like that...
When he left home to be a stand-up comic, he broke his parents' hearts.
This is hell amongst the bloom and grow.
Spring's warmth is cruel,
a feast of unrestraint...
I think I’ll get a tattoo. Not just any tattoo, one I’ll regret. I’ll catch people peering at it, trying to interpret the twists and swirls of the black ink on my fair skin.
Troy approached the podium and cleared his throat.
If there was another way to describe emptiness, I'd word the endlessness of the sky, of the ocean at low tide.
Shit, I guess I'm gonna hafta
Sandy lay motionless on the ground, death giving her a look only describable as "ancestral."
I tell myself I should have known. You were always absence.
your matching glasses up to mine in the fake air anymore, or click your widening fingernails against the hard bed railings in protest of anything you might be feeling in the floating silt-like depths of your jagged nerves, but…
“The first thing you must remember,” Polly tells the Levensons, “is that every penny you spend on your guests is that much less you can spend on your horses.”
feeding the lions, tigers
You're so insecure; you probably think this story is about you.Well, you would be right.
"May I help you?"
She was beautiful.