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No access to the Hollywood Sign

21862186 views1313 comments1212 favs

The sign that informs tourists that there is no access to the Hollywood Sign is the most ignored sign in all of Los Angeles.


10211021 views66 comments66 favs

Winter will be cold this year, you tell her. You read that. She says she is with child with her new husband. You tell her she's forty-five, it is selfish. The baby. It's fine. You demand to be at her tests. Evan may let you, she says. He's a doll. She would never use that…


284284 views33 comments22 favs

IA promised land so tiny, one that rests upon a pin, knows only death as theory, knows only sleep as sin. Disregard the deluge of that which never is, is the nothing that is hers the nothing that is his? Let us go to Venus, pretend that it is …


10701070 views55 comments44 favs

I am a sunflower. I turn my yellow and black face, bruised, to the sun, hoping its light will heal me. With my eyes closed I can see my stamen, veins in my eyelids, bulbous where they intersect. The sun feeds…

S.K.O.S.O. vs T.O.O.T.H. (With an update on Jinni of T.O.O.T.H.)

997997 views66 comments22 favs

"What have I done? What in God's name possessed me? Confessions of some college trouble in the 60's.


12981298 views2525 comments1717 favs

A little poem

If You Have to Have an Ism

12561256 views4545 comments2020 favs

This is a lady who never got a break.

Two 99's and a 64, or The Next Happy Act

785785 views1212 comments99 favs

It takes strength to know when not to be strong.

Je Suis Vincent

10581058 views99 comments66 favs

I saw Vincent one day, sitting at a café table that was situated right next to the quays of the Seine, with another artist by the name of Bernard. Vincent had his back to me, and he was leaning forward in his usual hyper-excitement, gesturing wildly

Land Fill at Morning

887887 views1212 comments99 favs

The gulls/ have somehow mastered the art// of avoiding the nooses of six-pack/ plastic rings


13741374 views2020 comments1818 favs

where I'm from

Spilled Milk on a Fresh Lawn

754754 views44 comments33 favs

What if it was all cut and calculated.

Human Movement

694694 views11 comment11 fav

Blobbing the safety tarmac with human glue


12381238 views2828 comments1616 favs

Lately he's been wanting to write about love...

The Buddhist

988988 views33 comments22 favs

She is not centered, but she finds her way.

Three Micros

21372137 views3939 comments2424 favs

He'll tell you if you listen long enough the words run together like the teeth of a zipper.

Running In My Veins

10971097 views77 comments77 favs

They say that inside the veins of every Bohemian lies an entire army of dead alcoholics. I suppose this is true of me too.


734734 views2929 comments1818 favs

It was in the last expulsion/explosion (theories differ) that we became OneWith. Tsunami. Seism. Zud. All matter cast out outcast came back like a gangster on crack. What did it think it was? Who do we think we are? It thinks we think it thinks…

Borgo Was 29 on His Birthday

664664 views66 comments55 favs

Borgo said 1979/So Borga remembered 1979/for him, just in case,/for what if:/ a driver license/or an act of god/or a marriage license/or even a lease/for an apartment/you never know, she said/ so he said, okay/you remember,/so she did.

Los Angeles IKEA Existential Meltdown

935935 views99 comments88 favs

Sometimes, you compare your living situation to a prison because it makes you feel better. "At least I have a fridge," you think to yourself.

77 Words Sparked by Insomnia

10251025 views66 comments55 favs

Mice dreams are a reality ...

What’s the Dark Matter Doing to Us in the Dark?

817817 views1515 comments1212 favs

Will it// scare us shitless when we can finally/ draw ourselves a likeness of it?

George Square

396396 views77 comments44 favs

I Buchanan Street; god strums a cheap guitar. Vaginas grow wet at clashing chords. The primitive civilised. From the city square I sense false profits, zigzag philosophies. The familiar falls…

Quasimodo Casanova

13611361 views55 comments55 favs

After shooing away the filthy pigeons and closely inspecting the bench, he squinted with his good eye at a second-page article on noise abatement headphones.

Summoned by the Board

10881088 views66 comments66 favs

They were all sitting naked in a sauna and drinking Diet Coke, with droopy ball sacks and sweat rolling over massive man titties and paunches. Yahweh sat on an upper bench, wearing dark goggles to protect his eyes from the brightness of his own still radi

Rodney & Chelsea

17451745 views3333 comments1818 favs

Chelsea's breasts are more the size of tangerines, but he likes them. He likes that she smells like Fruit Loops and that her front teeth overlap slightly. Her mouth is glossed. He slips his tongue inside.

When the Germans Were on the Roof of the World

10091009 views66 comments66 favs

Flew a Messerschmitt. Drove a tank over people in Poland though not in Prague, and claimed he was never a guard at the death camps.

How Zin Prepares for Early Winter While Saint Bernards Cause Major Traffic Jams along East Houston

993993 views1515 comments77 favs

She sings off-key while her married lover shadow-boxes his one-dimensional and split-off selves.

City of Masks

11831183 views88 comments55 favs

"There is something in the air. It makes people sick, makes them want to die. They cannot inhale too deeply for fear that it will turn them mad."

Shopping List Mind

133133 views55 comments55 favs

No-one ever sits beside him. As if he might urinate, or spit. Or, worse, engage in conversation about God.