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A Record Setting Year

862862 views33 comments22 favs

it felt fucking awesome at that moment, in that way only little things can feel huge and life affirming

Treatise on Some Blue Skies

701701 views44 comments55 favs

It's true, what they say, loveis the only thing thatmakes any sense. It isthe bravest thing anyof us will do. But it'simpossible, dangerous,stupid. I don't wantyou to trip into itsbeautiful trap withoutme. Like being swallowedby a fish, I'm told, yesactually I knowthere is…

Wild Strawberries of Mars

16151615 views2424 comments2424 favs

might leave NYC or Earth

Excelsior - A Poem in 9 Parts (post 3 of 5)

10441044 views44 comments11 fav

IV. From Hoover Dam The intent of passive presence wreathes an endless ring, Invisible, beyond all thoughts and change to sickness. This hour beats sibylline as vacancy, breathing Through mouths that do not taste their nothingness. I do not know where you are;…

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 2

12651265 views77 comments55 favs

Independence Day was a Thursday. Frank had been invited to join some Yale Art School classmates in Vermont for a three-day bacchanalia.

early spring

951951 views77 comments66 favs

the late snow, though not welcomed...

Blonde Cabaret Dancer in Waxwork Museum Shocker

224224 views00 comments00 favs

Superfluous and petite, she closes her eyes, acts like they are open. She thinks she's Marlene Dietrich, contemplates Erotica involving Vincent Price riffing an electric accordian. She has no knowledge of perfection, rendering her perfect by default. She is…

Written Six Weeks Before

12071207 views1818 comments1616 favs

March 16, 2006 My mail, e-mail, and phone calls go from the ridiculous to the sublime. Apologies for the cliché, but I can't resist its perfect applicability: In my mailbox today yet another catalogue of boob jobs in bikinis and an invitation to explore…

Where's Waldo?

12401240 views1111 comments1010 favs

Over his usual ham sandwich and Pepsi for lunch Uncle Waldo used to often say, “Going out in the dead of night without a flashlight is dangerous” and I'd nod but I kept slipping out, sneaking down my secret path and take a dip in the rich neighbor's pool because…

Arcana Magi Memorial Vol.5 - c.4

10451045 views00 comments00 favs

Sora and Ciel stood before Dean Morden inside his office. It felt weird to the girls looking at him sitting behind Madam Mayweather’s desk

Little Tech Puppies In the Artisan Beer Hall

11321132 views1414 comments88 favs

Little tech puppies, well compensated for code/ that outsourced laborers will realize in supercheap,/ superchipped gewgaws, sip artisan beers


10981098 views44 comments44 favs

Betrayal of course is the great human crime. As I found out when . . . .

Using Proven Scientific Methods to Get Published

11141114 views55 comments55 favs

I have a ninety two percent rejection rate.

Song Without Wonder

877877 views44 comments44 favs

What I’ve got is priceless, but no one wants it. Hmmm. I wonder if I can give it away, or have to haul it to the dump? What I have is priceless. Priceless. What I have is priceless, but no one wants it.

Day Care

18111811 views11 comment11 fav

"This is where the children play," the woman said cheerily. She gestured toward the flat bed of a pickup truck. The edge was surrounded by a makeshift wooden fence that looked like it had been made out of old orange crates.

D.H. Lawrence Ghazal

11091109 views88 comments77 favs

How many shadows in your soul? Close your eyes, my love, let me / make you blind as the wings of a drenched, drowned bee.

In tidal relief

11651165 views1313 comments1111 favs

the world slips under the waves

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 1

14771477 views88 comments77 favs

Before he was Francesco Martinelli


992992 views55 comments55 favs

this bleeding sun, clove studded & seedless

Glad the Moon Worked the Night Shift

12931293 views99 comments1010 favs

When we were seventeen, after her dad, the preacher, finished his Sunday night church services that required our mandatory attendance, we'd walk to my car in the pasture-turned parking lot holding hands and stop at the passenger-side car door to kiss deeply, get…

My Children in Times New Roman

17621762 views2626 comments2222 favs

This test should not be a riddle, it's a simple yes/no. The answer should settle curiosity with an image. One line or two, plus or minus. I say something like this, and the customer service rep asks me to hold.Thing is, I know the answer. I'm moody. My breasts feel like…

The Power

916916 views44 comments22 favs

the silence of the hardwood floors blisters into fragments

A Story with Tahini in It

978978 views55 comments55 favs

"What do you mean..."

Moonlight Thru A Metal Gate

221221 views22 comments11 fav

Like sun-stream through a spider's web I came with nothing left to master, at least nothingtoo abstract. Like moonlight thru a metal gate I emitted what was animal, without ceremony, without fate, only the diagonal, only the hexagonal, only configuration. …

No Such Thing

805805 views11 comment11 fav

People could disappear in the Pine Barrens and never be seen again. Either by their own choice or when someone didn’t want the body found. John Dance knew that was just a part of life you had to accept and couldn’t change.

The Bird Nests of Lascaux

11291129 views66 comments66 favs

With their brightly-colored bits of found string woven into the walls of their nests to teach their baby birds what the worms of the future will look like. Somewhat like the cave paintings of Lascaux for early man in France, when hunti

Dumb Luck and the Fall of Empires

10821082 views88 comments66 favs

At some point we all reach the end point/ of something. Something important/ if only to our fragile self esteem.

The Gatekeeper Of The Pathogens

877877 views11 comment11 fav

It was in his teeth. A blackness, a subscription to an outsideness, a painful contraction of burnt out trees scattered there among sand drifts and tidal debris. His face, lightly weathered and troubled, a tightness built into eyes of thought and separation. His arms, strong…


12721272 views2020 comments1515 favs

over tea & saltineshe read melike an obituary

First Person

16401640 views1010 comments1111 favs

We're each other's inside out. (100 words)