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Now's the Time: Three Women of Jazz Today

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The world of jazz resembles the Elizabethan stage: bare, unadorned sets, little of what is performed is reduced to writing, no, or hardly any women.

Do You Smoke?

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Do you remember buying me a pair of knee-high boots? They laced up the front, I think. Really cool boots. Strange, the stuff you remember. To be truthful, I can't remember exactly what information Sharon and I exchanged about you. I know we didn't get

The Optimist

642642 views77 comments44 favs

If people were more loyal to me we wouldn't be having all these problems.

I heard You Like the Back Seat, Honey

641641 views22 comments00 favs

It’s okay if you do


641641 views44 comments22 favs

Did we ever walk together long?We walked apart much longer. Are we the same, unsaid, Or more different than you imagined? Are you amazed I still stand, Here and in this room, So brazen to show my lined, scarred face, So bold to live and speak aloud? Can you…

Days of Future, Past

641641 views00 comments11 fav

Though bleached white as snow,/ Eric Cantor’s teeth broke/ much as any others would

Arcana Magi Pure Vol.7 - c.3

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After the Cooking Club and Sayako formerly introduced themselves, they all stood before the sisters, listening to their story. Ren took a puff of his pipe as Ayane pressed her hand over her chest and Sayako took short breaths as her heart raced.

the mixture of pleasure and pain

641641 views44 comments00 favs

But Allison was so tight, poor thing, that it was a little like having sex with a virgin every time we did it. I could never understand how she could bear so much pain. I guess it was the mixture of pleasure and pain that kept her going, or maybe she was

On Being Hailed by the Former Head Cheerleader of One's Midwestern High School Whilst Crossing Boston Common

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I turned and gaped- In horror gasped-- There was no clear escape. Down Winter Street, up Park perhaps? Too late-she had me in her grasp.


640640 views22 comments00 favs

Suddenly a Shakespearean sonnet, …

Mental Energy

640640 views00 comments00 favs

‎" You know, the cure is not worse than the disease" Leon said to his therapist for the fifth time.

Second Thoughts

640640 views1010 comments99 favs

I caught sight of him standing near the nails.


640640 views55 comments44 favs

Bleeding quietly

Why is There Scientist Instead of Wisdom?

640640 views00 comments00 favs

Scientism/Natural Science is an Idealism:Diogenes is said to have refuted Zeno's theories of motion by taking a stroll. We must presuppose that there is such a thing as a stroll before there can be such a thing as a stroll. We must think that there is such a thing…


640640 views77 comments44 favs

the cracks in the concrete look like rivers or highways crossing from the air but only a few feet below me

The Endless Dream of Humanity

640640 views22 comments33 favs

I may have walked across the sacred line That separates me from the rest of mankind But I already paid my dues So, what club do I get into? When I wake up And the wild rain of dreaming Ends I discover that Guilt is just another four-le

Хлебников via странников (+ two tombs from Mallarmé + one more)

639639 views77 comments33 favs

No harp now hails, / no wood sings mirth, no good hawk / swoops through the hall, no swift steed / paws dirt in the castle-yard. Woeful death / has emptied earth of an ancient race.

French Trains

639639 views44 comments66 favs

When I sit in the front-facing seat beside him, I feel him flinch a little and stiffen, not from fear but from aggression.


639639 views44 comments22 favs

We were fleeing hurricane Katrina. We stopped somewhere in Texas at a roadside diner, but found a sign that said it was closed. We were so hungry. All of a sudden as we sat there in our car, the shop's owner knocked on the window and asked what he could g


639639 views88 comments88 favs

The garden grew tomatoes.

Soliloquies and Interludes of the Interior Zombies

639639 views33 comments11 fav

As parents watched my skin grow paler, hair/ go raven, and demeanor change from pert/ to smiling calm, they started to complain.

Diary of a Bolshoi Potato Dancer

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Today is the audition for “The Bright Stream,” and I believe I am in tip-top shape to win the prize role–potato carrier! To train, I have been hauling rocks up the stairs to my apartment.

The Reading

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His wife leans her head against a beam with her eyes closed while he reads out loud. Her mouth shut tightly, almost twisted shut. She’s so weary. She raises her collar and sinks further into her neck. When he shouts, or explodes – nothing.

Two Cents a Bale

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“Price has gone up,” Jim said. His head and his body were still, like a deer’s when it hears something. “It’s three cents a bale now.”

From the Plague Year 2020 Part 2

638638 views88 comments77 favs

So today was basically mellow. The blue jays argued over who would bathe first in my fountain. When a squirrel showed up, the birds left, but the doves took their place. Our local woodpecker, apparently recovered from a day long headbanging session, returned to the…

Box Kite

638638 views22 comments11 fav

The box kite floats high over the marsh.

No More Ideas

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And then, one fateful day, the world ran out of ideas. The last one was gone, floating away like a balloon full of the helium we had already squandered.

The Next Best Thing to Dying

637637 views22 comments22 favs

Later, my daughter told me that she hadn't been scared because as I lay on the ground unconscious I continued to laugh, gradually relaxing into a big smile as I came around a minute later.

Frostproof Suite: Clown Car

637637 views1818 comments1616 favs

My job was take the falls, act the dope, finish at the wrong end of the slap stick for the blow off. I was Auguste, the fool; I drove the clown car.

Two Drunken Elves Don't Know a Good Hobbit When They See One

637637 views55 comments55 favs

Wait for it. It's not the end of the world, it's the end of certain things. It's not that the sky is falling, it's that the coral reefs are dead or dying. I don't know how the ravaged trees have managed to survive this long with us breathing…