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Skippy Goes Sailing

670670 views33 comments33 favs

I coughed a little. Some bloody fluid sloshed in the rubber tube coming from my chest. Outside my door some doctor was ranting. He was looking for the patient in the room across from mine. “She's in X-ray,” the nurse told him. “It's Friday,” he…

The First Time Ever I Saw Your Place

669669 views33 comments11 fav

The first time ever I saw your place With furnishings of orange and blue--oo oo oo.

Existential Weather Report

669669 views66 comments44 favs

I had a moment of clear inter-species ideation...

(One Hundred Minus Ninety Equals) Ten Jetpacks for the Lonely

669669 views44 comments33 favs

1. And so, another top heavy day within the sworn to camp enemies of a purely human musical swamp, who want only to own the essences of that ancient sweet fragrance, like all the others, and sell it back to us at a tidy profit, which…

In Survival Bid, DAR Tries Fajitas 'n 'Ritas

669669 views00 comments00 favs

The DAR Recruiting Party included a martini bar, an eclectic mix of music ranging from Devo to Lawrence Welk, and “quoits,” a Colonial ring-toss game that newcomers play to win membership discounts and Talbots gift certificates.

Bug Water

669669 views44 comments44 favs

Milton Berle bought a hot dog at the Stucky's snack bar once. True. I wasn't there, but I believe it.

Naming the Scourge We Made

669669 views22 comments11 fav

To give proper credit where due, one name suffices for what humanity likely will be dealing with for decades or centuries to come, and that name is “Technogenic Climate Change”.

notes from a dream

669669 views00 comments00 favs

Sorry to disturb. Have you seen God in here?No, not of lately, no. Shit.Why, is it urgent?Kind of. Would a cup of tea be of any help?Always. Man in the living room goes in the kitchen, space and time suddenly shift, man in dream does not know where he is, man…

How It Started

669669 views11 comment00 favs

At two AM I went to bed, and the mill shut down shortly after. The silence jerked me out of sleep so fast I almost screamed. Choking and sweating, I lay there and tried to figure out why I was so scared. And then I realized: for the first time in half a y

My Moon's Famously Caught

668668 views44 comments44 favs

behind your one perfectly showcased yet irreplaceable earlobe, like a still inflated island-- in order to float away on any slight rogue gust of gregarious wind-- seedling tool kit and so I mistakenly thought I'd just …

An Interlude of Stephen Miller Thought

668668 views55 comments33 favs

If I have not heard of it it doesn't matter. My hearing is a life force.

Still More Rock Groups I have Known

667667 views66 comments22 favs

More Rock Groups I Have Known and/or Been In


667667 views44 comments44 favs

My wife went vegan.

not Baudelaire's “Beauté”

667667 views44 comments44 favs

I charm as any stone-sculpted dream: / men grind themselves to dust on my breasts / in solitude poets spill and spew / enraptured of my adamant clay.

Monstrous Thing

667667 views33 comments33 favs

It's only just a poem. The good that's in us is us. There's a monstrous thing trying to get out and ruin things. To unbalance everything standing on tiptoe. To end the dance. To grab the moment and burn it down flat to the ground. They are…

Perils of Poetry in a Pandemic

666666 views2020 comments66 favs

...the bulk of poets are amateurs.

You Were a Hard Act To Follow

666666 views00 comments00 favs

This wasn’t my first time, ever, but it was ours. This wasn’t the life of a pigeon after sex, you know, sucking some soda pop off the pavement. This was real. This was me up there on your ceiling! And I’m not so fond of lightning either. If you thou

A Most Uncertain Fiction

666666 views77 comments55 favs

It is equally likely that just as the rate of melt continues, the rate of melt will also continue to accelerate.

9/11 -- The Angel Closes the Rain

666666 views44 comments44 favs

We were clinging to hope and innocence Until the second jet struck the Twin Towers That was when real evil twisted our hearts And we were left without prayer, or power Yes, a couple holding hands jumped from the building But when I was the o

The Construction of a Deep, Black Void

665665 views33 comments11 fav

The faint stars began to twinkle in the orange and purple sky and the clouds turned to watercolor and the window became a painting.

Apples and Oranges and Apples

665665 views55 comments44 favs

No one is going to find us. And even if they did it's just a play someone wrote with you in mind as the lead. No one is going to find us. I could have told you this but I didn't want to spoil your newfound fun. No one is going to find us. The funny…

After the Shark

665665 views33 comments33 favs

each to his / secret dream of the thing

Poetry, Inc.

665665 views33 comments11 fav

It comes to our attention you have what it takes to join our enterprise.


665665 views11 comment00 favs

I remember him saying something like: “Are you aware of how completely horrible you are as a human being?”

living alone now

665665 views00 comments00 favs

Oh, yeah, that's me, the girl in the blue dress, the girl with short blond hair. Slight smile occasionally passing over her face, sitting at the café table, waiting patiently for the semi-famous rock star to show and buy a house. Brown and sea-green


665665 views44 comments22 favs

dreaming in my cartoon life the car lifts its legs a hundred feet in the air

Sad Robotics

664664 views22 comments33 favs

Robot telephones me today...

passing in, passing out

664664 views1717 comments1010 favs

I hate turnstiles and revolving doors

Stone Soup

664664 views88 comments66 favs

When I asked her about her husband, she laughed.

At a supermarket checkout looking through a window on May Day.

664664 views77 comments44 favs

So I missed the May Day parade again.