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Path of Least Resistance

740740 views77 comments33 favs

I followed the car-path tendrils/ further and further north.

The Fourth Prague Defenestration: 4

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“So, vot you think?” Vladimir asked us. “You want to come see these paintings? This is once in lifetime chance. Not many left who know about these. And I know where they are.” All the while he kept looking around to make sure nobody was eavesdroppin

End Game

740740 views1212 comments99 favs

Where the Story LiesEverybody wants to knowwhere the story lies. Does itlie in childhood? Does it liein old age? Does it lie in anangry outburst or a stingingrebuke? Does it lie in a momentof compassion or in the recognitionof calloused selfishness? Bruisedlove or…

The Vegetable Man

740740 views22 comments11 fav

He'd hug us against our wishes when we tried to get a better look at his cart, his odor a mix of sweet and sour and stink.


740740 views00 comments00 favs

There's a boarded up Chevron a few blocks down the street from where I used to live. I still pass it every now and again as I'm going to and from jobs. When I lived in the area, which was about three years ago, there was this one red-headed female gas jockey that seemed to…

my own image breaking and falling

739739 views22 comments11 fav

What went racing through my mind as Lynda was telling me about the farmer she was seeing out in Western Illinois with his 12 inch dick? She was only 5’2”. “It’s so big I can barely get it all in me,” she said, with her mouth part way open. That old look

The First Day on Snowshoes

739739 views33 comments22 favs

I can hear my heart in this empty field; I feel it burn against the wall of my chest.

Superman and the Best Vacuum Cleaner Salesman in New York City

739739 views22 comments00 favs

I remember driving to New York City the summer of 1964, just before I met you. That was the very first time I ever smoked a joint. In those days it was happy dope. We got high and everything seemed so funny! Those were the days! I drove into the city


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*It is a purely fictitious story.Any resemblance to it is purely coincidental. “You never realize death until you realise love “ I could not understand this quote until I met her. Yes! There is death because love gives…

This Life

739739 views22 comments00 favs

Me and the wife are tucked away in our little house.

Women With Colds and the Men Who Love Them

739739 views11 comment00 favs

“This is when things pick up with the ‘stuffies,’” says Sergeant Jim Hampy of the Vice Squad. “They lie low during the summer, then come back when cold and flu season starts.”

The Year in Blogging: More Than Just Sonny Tufts

739739 views22 comments11 fav

1,919 followers in 105 countries come to this site every day looking for breaking news on the number of white kittens promoters are required to provide Mariah Carey at each concert.

The Tale of a Fat Ugly Crow on a May Afternoon

739739 views88 comments77 favs

a fat crow rapturously caws over its good fortune... not a morsel left on the street, not even a bloodstain

Writing Poems

739739 views33 comments11 fav

We bring words together and set them up on blind dates. Watch them build a history together, get married and fight together. Make offspring syllables cradled warm in cribs of punctuation. Phonemes squeezed into existence by two parenthesis. Words…

I spend my free time writing epitaphs

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I invented a game called Church & State

Another Land

739739 views00 comments00 favs

In another land...

Culture Abuse

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a sixteen year old girl Denim

Eating Crow

739739 views33 comments22 favs

I stabbed a man at the Blue-Buick Bar and Grill. This may not be shocking news, all things considered. The man I stabbed didn't think it was all that shocking, even while it was happening. I'd had a lot of those energy drinks -- six or seven -- even before I'd puked…

That Painted Up Whore

739739 views44 comments66 favs

Some things stay with you. I got off the bus, petted my dog, Nick and walked in our house and saw Mother at the kitchen table, crying and clearly angry. I asked her if she was sick. She works. She said that she didn't go to work today and might not go tomorrow…

Colors of the Last Bright Morning

739739 views1515 comments99 favs

I am a housekeeper at a private women's college in upstate New York.


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Watching himself dissolve comes with no sense of meaning. It is simply what it is. He finds that curious.

Bands I Have Known

738738 views33 comments22 favs

Flu Fighters Hood Ornament Good Hydration Jacques Strappe Tar and Feathers Bad Oyster Band Mysterian and the Skid Marks Nimble Candle and the Streakers Uniball and the Supporters The Skinny Rubber Band

Die Zwischenwelt: The World as It Is and as It Is Not

738738 views99 comments44 favs

These philosophic notions floated in my head for years and eventually helped inspire my pursuit of basic information in contemporary physics, astrophysics, astronomy, and cosmology when I was not reading or writing fiction or verse.

6.5 in Eureka

738738 views11 comment00 favs

Everything moved. I ran outside.


738738 views55 comments44 favs

Each brief life is lived in dedication// to the honeyed buzz of the colony,

Kog Zadare, only living person...

738738 views00 comments00 favs

The poems and the Lies of Zog the Obscure It was said of old, shut the doors, close the windows; get into the spaceship and eschew mankind and every earth and like Neitszche put it "wipe away the horizon with a sponge".Negative 272°C (or Not Yet Absolute Order For These…

Mythical Houses

738738 views00 comments00 favs

I remember meeting this famous rock musician once, when I was in real estate. He could be such a jerk. It seems like the famous ones always are. He saw my friend Susan talking to herself in the kitchen at a party where we were. “That woman is never alon

True Story, Every Word

738738 views00 comments00 favs

So, I see this is story one-upmanship now. You think you’ve got stories! Here’s one for the books. Here goes! In 1968 I had a day job as a payroll clerk at the Kroger Company, but, to maintain my glamorous lifestyle and my impressive efficiency ap

There Are Over 200 Religions In the World

738738 views44 comments33 favs

I am the man who was fired from a thousand jobs I was the model you saw pointing at the gleaming red Maserati At the Miami Art Fair, as if you did not already see it I was the girl named Calorie in that infamous diet commercial I was the boy named

Robin Eggs

738738 views1010 comments77 favs

"The sheriff's mother-in-law made the smoothest 'shine in the county."