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Topsy Was a Flip Flopper

856856 views00 comments00 favs

Topsy was a flip flopper ... Topsy was a crazy complainer.

All drains lead to the sea

856856 views88 comments44 favs

This soil is bereft, with only mocking water below, so catacombed in chalk.

far beyond

856856 views1515 comments99 favs

far beyond the far beyond sparkles the stars like sparkles

The Man Inside

856856 views44 comments44 favs

...her facial twitches, gasps and whines, her moments of trapped silence.

Rags to Riches to Rags, 1

856856 views11 comment11 fav

1 Al Capone was ruling the backstreets and alleyways of Chicago during Prohibition, and we lived in a little house right next door to a speak-easy. I could peak through our curtains and see right into the bar next door when cops came in to get pai


856856 views55 comments44 favs

No one has the right/ to script how someone dies.

Confrontation on the field of play

856856 views44 comments33 favs

The boy wasn’t raised this way.


856856 views55 comments33 favs

His eyes begin to glisten like hot green wax pooling around the wick of a pretty little candle.

luncheon on the grass

856856 views22 comments11 fav

I had a dream, I remember, where I am in this painting, Luncheon on the Grass. My dress was thrown off and the picnic basket, filled with bread and fruit, is spilled out upon it, and I am sitting nude on my underclothing, with two gentlemen fully dresse

No One

856856 views00 comments00 favs

No One The city he abandoned lies below him. It's been years, so many tears. He admires the remains of the White City, The Shed, rooted ahead. He jaunts through Roosevelt Train station, hassled by the acrid stench pollinating the area. I…


856856 views11 comment22 favs

I sulk across the room to feed you,hold your hand, tell you everything will be fine. It is the right time of night,the light from the street falls onto the chairat the perfect angle. I look at you, gray, shimmering, persnickety. Don't move, thisis just the dust, helping me…


856856 views00 comments00 favs

"Excuse me, ma'am? You wanted the mayonnaise on the side, right?"No one ever called her ma'am again.

A Loser, Either Way

855855 views99 comments99 favs

Although I'm twenty years older than her, my girlfriend has called me "jailbait" for the past year and a half because she says the only way to stop having to share me is to kill my wife..

Botanical Maneuvers

855855 views77 comments55 favs

They hunger for new real estate/ and those resources underground

That Old-Time Religion

855855 views00 comments00 favs

The road to heaven is littered for miles with dead sinners, or more precisely, the sides of the roads are lined with crosses on which the sinners are nailed. It has always been so, since time started ticking for Civilized…

End of Wendell

855855 views22 comments22 favs

...though in reality it is a dirty white with brown splotches now appears to him as a fluorescent green garden snake.

Cockroaches From Heaven

855855 views55 comments33 favs

Cockroaches may be falling through the holes in the floorboards of heaven, but we will not be disturbed. We are agents, free and clear, even if a little bit mean. I want to quit worrying about money, but the angels upstairs won’t let me. The


855855 views00 comments00 favs

My toes curled together under the pathetic rag of a bedsheet, the frost creeping in through the two-inch deformity of the window on the left wall. I was tempted to sneak a glance at them to insure that they weren't black, but then decided that I'd…

Totem Song

855855 views00 comments00 favs

Will you leave me, you, the one?

My Old Man, Across a Hotel Pool in the Bahamas

855855 views11 comment00 favs

Three guys playing “Cocoanut water, rum and gin” on steel drums, guitar and trap set outside on the deck by the pool.

they came to explain the wind

855855 views22 comments00 favs

How we segued from exploring the wind to eating a nitwit sandwich.

A Guy's Guy Kind of Guy

855855 views11 comment11 fav

I like to keep my mind uncluttered for truly fresh information, like the fact that T.S. Eliot taught Virginia Woolf the Chicken Strut. That's news you can use.

Winter-Logged Love-Fest

855855 views00 comments00 favs

it is a wonder that we are speakingyou and iafter the fall season felt hopeful.Now the words mean nothingmy fairy has taken a vacationand women sleep with men in nice suits.

Prayers and Lotteries

855855 views11 comment00 favs

“What if every cloud you saw carried a bit of hope?” she said to the window, looking out at a rolling storm. There's something peaceful about stormy weather when you're inside. Stormy weather. It almost sounds quaint. “Well?” she said,…

The Dummy Drop

854854 views22 comments00 favs

I looked at my now silent cell phone feeling like an idiot. Thad was standing next to me, that shit eating grin plastered on his face like gravy stains on an old shirt."So Genius Jones, what the fuck did he say to you?" asked Thad, sarcasm dripping onto the floor. "She blew…

At the back of the crowd

854854 views55 comments00 favs

They were all celebrating something, but she couldn’t see what it was.

Thanksgiving, 2018

854854 views1717 comments99 favs

The cornbread for dressing cools./ The cranberries boil with one cup each/ of sugar and water. The aromas are nice

Will I Eventually Be Everybody?

854854 views00 comments00 favs

A jump, a fall, that's how it begins. I don't know much about living but dying I should have down to a science, if practice makes perfect. Death by burning as a withc (often) a warlock (not so much) a heretic (quite a bit, you'd be surprised--though, if you…


854854 views33 comments00 favs

Deciding what is important from the life of a man that you haven't spoken to in ten years was a task that had seemed impossible at the outset. But now, here she stood, having done just that.

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 49

854854 views22 comments11 fav

Francesco entered the gallery, and he immediately went to work.