by David Ackley
breathe out
somewhere a tree falls
a sign
like STOP
your heart races
but can't win
perhaps “it” is a symbol
of another “it”
i came across that tree today
gasping for breath
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Happy Mother's Day.
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Mortal and eternal. Or, eternal and mortal. I like that. I admire the title too, the importance of it. *
A lot happening between the exhale and the gasp.
I like this for its minimalist impact although I'm not sure about the juxtaposition with the extremely long title
Hi Dianne and Mathew,
Thanks for the comments. Astute comments I might say, with appreciation.
Hi Eamon,
Unsure is the word entire for my poetry, the home of doubt and metaphysical waffling. Always glad to have you weigh in.