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woke up in 2010//an exercise four years ago

920920 views33 comments33 favs

I am from slow diagnoses, impatience and parents skeptical of New York City doctors. I am from tall buildings, yogurt shakes, and envy for my brother's asthma machine. I am from here, stay away from there, don't get too close, be careful at the edge, the…

Sycamore Tree

920920 views11 comment11 fav

I love you, I said. A beautiful smile struggled through the pain. But I love you more.

No Dogs! No Dogs Allowed!

920920 views22 comments22 favs

the impression I had gotten of him was that he was fifty percent yuppie and fifty percent drug dealer from Marin.

A Haiku In Spirit But Not In Form On the Fine Art of Sumo

920920 views33 comments11 fav

Two titans move opposite one another

Mercury Unbound

920920 views55 comments11 fav


Arcana Magi Memorial Vol.4 - c.1

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Ciel’s eyes trembled at how this all could have happened. With tears falling down her cheeks, all senses of hope disappeared.

Morning Love Song

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when I said good morning I meant

no caps

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It's really not the same

920920 views1010 comments99 favs

It wasn't the same as taking a course with Ginsberg. Everyone knew Ginsberg. Nick Cave, too, everyone knew him. Waiting lists were full months in advance for those classes, everyone sent in resumes and writing samples, praying, begging to be included. Lish was just an…

Scottish Independence

920920 views99 comments88 favs

with peaty aromatics, opened,/ and a welcomed sting, swallowed,

Watching the Clock

920920 views11 comment11 fav

Benjamin did everything by the clock. He ate when the little hand pointed to five and the big hand pointed to six. He danced when the little hand pointed to three and the big hand pointed to seven. He slept when they both hit twelve.To be more precise, he did everything…


919919 views2727 comments1111 favs

koalas burning


919919 views22 comments22 favs

The Church of Chimera, which has tentacles in most cities, would like you to accept the existence of MEGACROCODOG, invisible possessor of the largest penis imaginable. You are promised an afterlife of bliss, as long as you pray to MEGACROCODOG and say his penis is the…

For Linebacker-Poets, Annual Award Ceremony a Jarring Hit

919919 views33 comments11 fav

Dutton felt thwarted in his literary career, producing only the classic "Here I sit all broken-hearted, paid a nickel to crap and only farted" in a locker room stall at halftime of the 1963 Weedwacker Bowl.

Five Million Yen: Chapter 63

919919 views22 comments11 fav

Gringovitch sat on the big leather chair in Olivia’s suite. Before him on a coffee table were the nude sketches he’d made of her earlier that day.


919919 views44 comments44 favs

What if she doesn't take me seriously? My sweaty testimony wedged tight behind the tragic I used to think was honest? What if, right? What if . . . Isolation Real men feel that, right? They have …

No Cheese

919919 views66 comments44 favs

My supper consisted of no cheese My marriage consisted of no violin


919919 views33 comments11 fav

Fat robins are chirping – loudly – at 4 a.m. They’re trying to delude the worms into thinking it’s dawn already The worms get up underground They’re grumpy, they bump into things They come up to the surface and Wham! That

77 Words About Nothing [5-24-2012]

919919 views88 comments22 favs

Alright is alright but alright is a state of mind, right?

The Etymology of Fun

919919 views99 comments66 favs

Tell people of substance the truth.

A Slick Story

919919 views1717 comments1414 favs

After Slick Daddy — aka Billy Ray Thompson — gave up driving his log truck and took up with playing and singing the blues full-time he was what you might call a hot property around the juke joints along Highway 61. The women didn't seem to mind…

The First of Many to Fade into the Now We Go Marching Down the Lane for Love Side Street

919919 views22 comments22 favs

for Tracy ThornYou don't need a song about fixed stars, you needa reason to be glad stars are here. Themoon's always been around, but not always like the friend you want,until now. Don't throw it all away becauseyou are too sad to care. You've come into your own. Allthings…

when you're not here, your feeling is

919919 views11 comment11 fav

never have i wanted/ to stay in one place long,/ flight inspired to escape/ existential ennui--


919919 views11 comment00 favs

She was wearing a black tank top and jeans, standing in the shade. Why was she there again? The camera hanging around her wrist answered her question. Right, he had called. He had asked if she could take picture for him and his…

Proud Mary

919919 views11 comment00 favs

Mary had no shoes. She told me they were stolen by someone at the shelter and I believed her because she stood there outside the Arlington T stop in a pair of tube socks. She told me she wasn't asking for money. She told me the shelter was serving seafood today so her…

Self-Portrait with Pipe and Bandaged Ear

919919 views33 comments33 favs

His ear is swathed by a large white bandage that runs down under the chin. Dressed in a heavy dark green coat, buttoned at the neck. Streaks of orange relieve the darkness of the green. Purple and black cap on his head. Calmly smoking a pipe.

Our Dreams Were Their Feathers

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The white moon is dangling by a thread tonight. I close my eyes and listen to it undress. Your halo fell around your ankles and you became see-through, but there’s a vast gulf between being pretty, and pretty dangerous. Still, I’ve s

Cause of Death

919919 views00 comments00 favs

“You sure?” He nods. “Maybe it was pneuomonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.” Flash of a smile, sobbing laughter, like an abandoned seal.

I Channel Quevedo

918918 views55 comments44 favs

-Hey, life! Nobody answers? WTF? -Ah life! Nobody answers me. Well, what did I expect?

Red Hair

918918 views00 comments00 favs

She was the middle child, tall and lank, red haired and strong, in a girl kind of way. A girl forced to cope with something tough and objectionable. She was the care giver to her younger brother, making sure he got out of bed and ready for school. She did