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"Cary" Me Home

11061106 views11 comment22 favs

"Would you mind if she took your empty seat?" The stewardess said. "She has a phobia." "Oh." Archie's dimpled chin fell, then a smile broke above it. "Not at all."

The Preservation of Innocence (through Times of Hunger and Doubt)

11991199 views11 comment00 favs

Alicia got to third block early and scribbled down some of the derivatives homework. Others trickled in intermittently, drifting to their seats like impurities getting caught in a filter.

Status Update

812812 views11 comment00 favs

I can't tell a cigarette from a cheese sandwich as I stare vacantly into the synthetic sunshine of my laptop. Jump up a few lines to add a comma to show the possession of clocks they do belong to people after all. I sip my coffee from a novelty mug, ho

How It Started

658658 views11 comment00 favs

At two AM I went to bed, and the mill shut down shortly after. The silence jerked me out of sleep so fast I almost screamed. Choking and sweating, I lay there and tried to figure out why I was so scared. And then I realized: for the first time in half a y

Lost Poems

830830 views11 comment11 fav

The ride home after Basketball and a little beer; That's when the best poems happen. Poems pin-prick sharp Puncturing through dulled Senses while streetlamps pass Overhead. They find their way inside you But they don't stick. Poems left back somewhere On the…

The Sun from Under Water

914914 views11 comment00 favs

There was a thing she liked to do in the pool—after running and sweating—and that was to exhale as much air as she could stand, then hold her nose and sink to the bottom and just look up at the surface of the water, the way the sun hit it, the way the liq

When John Fell(Second Revised Version)

945945 views11 comment22 favs

"I still believe in love."--John Lennon It was war of the ancient order come to the farthest shore at last. No one leaves this world without an arrow through his heart. Why should I lie to you now? We all fight the truth in…

no caps

903903 views11 comment11 fav


Three Teeth

12121212 views11 comment00 favs

Three teeth. You can pick them out if you hit pause just right. Probably not a person in the entire valley who hasn’t seen that video from the Eastern Cheerleading Finals. They even showed the tape on the eleven o’clock news in Scranton, my face ci

Re: “oo===D---o-}-<,” Fiction Submission

16651665 views11 comment11 fav

Fake letter, 55 words.

Popcorn Tigers

11921192 views11 comment11 fav

The last row of furniture is all black leather. In unison the tigers hop onto a couch a piece, sit calmly on their haunches, and reach for remote controls buried in the cushions. Roaring, they paw at the remotes.


887887 views11 comment11 fav

I blame you for my short temper when I go off the handle when my blood runs cold and I can't think straight I can only react. When I say things I don't mean Even if I do. But I am glad for the fire you started inside of me. That time I…


936936 views11 comment11 fav

Hands and fingers feeling down Cross the boundaries I laid

A New Woman

827827 views11 comment11 fav

George didn’t move when Cindy punched him in the nose. He just stood up and walked to the fridge, poured a glass of water and dropped a few ice cubes into the glass. The ice cracked in the glass as he walked back to the couch.

Ya Ever Meet a Buckley? I Haven't.

975975 views11 comment11 fav

Who's that? I don't know. …

The Kennedys

11111111 views11 comment11 fav

Noah's diagnosis takes several years. A doctor from North Carolina reading his case dubs the condition Bootlegger’s Syndrome.

In Memory of Lost Things

710710 views11 comment00 favs

What they used to do is hide in the cupboard, and would suddenly acquire the philosophy of “whatever happens happens,” so that they would finally find themselves grabbing each other's body parts in wanton excess until they both explode under the weight of their…


7474 views11 comment11 fav

I took this workshop once. A Life Fulfillment Seminar provided by J___ Mutual Funds. That was the kind of thing the guy talked about: Motivational Factors putting you Over the Top.

gravelortian part 5

909909 views11 comment11 fav

papa wants to dance - the future is so bright - feel good all the time baby

My Secret Pen Pal

435435 views11 comment11 fav

What if I let it be known that I've been enjoying a heavy correspondence with Queen Elizabeth my entire life? We began the correspondence on the very day she was coronated. February 6th, 1952. I was four years old and working as a bartender in Cheyenne, Wyoming. …

A Christmas Mistake

11721172 views11 comment00 favs

But that night we were happy, looking all around at the bright lights of the several cities that we could see.

I Dated A 50 Foot Woman

11191119 views11 comment11 fav

There was no need to drive. She could travel ten miles in ten minutes. She merely had to be careful not to step on any cars or trucks.


10511051 views11 comment22 favs

What a beautiful day it was, what a wonderful day to lose one's mind. This is what you think going into it, that it is all a wonderful dream come true, and sure I'll have my hands full, but at the end of the day it will be worth something. If I hang in long enough,…

The Greatest Public Works Program

15641564 views11 comment00 favs

Hope wakes starving/ in the storm,/ to off and hunt.


753753 views11 comment00 favs

At work I listen to musicrecorded from live performances.People cheer in the music and I can hear their smilesthey are excited. I smile with themand I imagine they are happyfor me.I see them beyond my grey office walls I imagine they are my friends and…

Vasilissa the Brave and Beautiful

10701070 views11 comment11 fav

When the dust cleared, she saw him, standing silently, bow and arrow in his left hand. His face was the same as her middle brother's, broad and handsome, his dark eyes slits for light. This was her father. …

Tin Foil Hat Sold Separately

858858 views11 comment11 fav

When I finish recording this tape, I will bury it under the azaleas in my front lawn. I have left instructions for my attorney that, on the first full moon after my death, he should have Oliver Stone dig it up during the dead of night and deliver it to Ji

gravelortian part 7

808808 views11 comment11 fav

suck chew sip

Arcana Magi Zero Arc 2 - c.4

10891089 views11 comment00 favs

Marissa sat on her knees placing her hand on Alysia’s head. Her eyes held back her tears as she watched her daughter’s eyes shift back and forth.

Arcana Magi - c.14: Arrivals

13471347 views11 comment00 favs

Danica saw her hand with the ring lifted up by Oryn. Both of their eyes locked onto the red gem and Danica understood what Oryn offered.