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Suppose, I ask my friend

12651265 views11 comment11 fav

nothing has ever happened in this or that or any other or maybe too damn many parallel universes. . . .

New White Blouses

10331033 views11 comment11 fav

always thought you'd show up with a good friendly grin, your heart full of gnosis and the rest of you dressed in denim or terrene hues,back from across the world to honor our sacrosanct thing maybe it would be in the wind chiseled afternoon,or the dusk by tables…

Graeme King and the Creature

13821382 views11 comment11 fav

Graeme King was disturbed. He sat at his desk feeling his bloodshot eyes rolling backwards, impatient, leaden in their sockets. Could he believe what he had just seen? Surely not. Surely the late nights spent absorbing the relentless pulse of his computer screen…

Just Right

11421142 views11 comment00 favs

While the tea was steeping, Ms. Darcy unwrapped the package. The book was lovely. It had nice heavy paper and the print was a good size for reading. The cover was glossy and not too showy, and Ms. Darcy thought it would look just right on her shelf.

After: An All American, Post 9-11 Love Poem

10811081 views11 comment33 favs

After he got on one knee, and she said, I do. After they watched the televised bombs disappear the city. After everyone fell asleep. After shock and awe, him and her making love…

This city like a squall

846846 views11 comment11 fav

Jackhammered men hollow out the building, cart away decade-old works of other men. Exterior walls stand. Rooms have been demolished. In another day see what came before progress. See trees. A squall is coming. Ask about the…

Leda and the Swan: Paul Gauguin

12281228 views11 comment00 favs

Leda looks back over her shoulder at us as the swan grips her from behind while at the same time nipping at the nape of her neck. She's a freckled child and a little frightened. There's a dark smudge beneath her eye where the shadow runs. The swan

Wild Dreams ofReality, 11

977977 views11 comment00 favs

I took my first shower away from home as if it were a ritual cleansing. It felt especially good, even exciting to be taking a shower in the bathroom of another woman. Why was that? Maybe because it didn't have marble around the bathtub, and it wasn't e


10461046 views11 comment11 fav

Salted sea of summer fingers- sand and salted skinmelt in me; vanilla ice cream lick- your lips; salty kiss saliva- sweet salt of semen run down my chin languid-salty sweat of you.

Pectoralis Minor

12851285 views11 comment11 fav

Her thumbs tucked beneath the waistline of her pants, slightly pulling them down to expose the eternity between belly button and bliss. I looked up at her as I slid my tongue along the rail of her hip, sucking at its point.


679679 views11 comment00 favs

It must have been twenty years before I first heard Willie Nelson’s voice without the accompaniment of my mother’s crying. She liked to listen to country music on the radio while she cleaned dishes, ironed shirts, watered plants, and whatever else the hou

A Letter From Uncle Bernie

10311031 views11 comment22 favs

...Truth is, it’s because of fabulously wealthy men and women like myself who long ago sucked all the cream out of the bottle, and now we’re coming back for whatever milk remains.

The Color of Faith

13291329 views11 comment00 favs

My best friend Khaled’s idea was, he’d set up a pool tournament. Nine-ball. Each church would send a player, and whichever church won, he’d join. Any church that wouldn’t shoot pool, he wouldn’t want to join.

Tea Time Story

872872 views11 comment00 favs

She smiled at him. "You want to know the secret, that's why you want her to tell - not because you want her to be happy."

Please Come to Boston? (Memoir)

14731473 views11 comment00 favs

I've been invited to speak at Emerson College in Boston—it will be the summer of 2012, and I'll be speaking on running an online literary magazine; in this case, my own,

With Torture Banned, US Tries High School Awards Night

781781 views11 comment00 favs

“He’s a tough nut,” says CIA officer Marlon McGrath. “He says he’ll die a martyr rather than crack before we get to the Booster Club award for outstanding female athlete.”

Never End a Story with "And then he Awakes"

949949 views11 comment11 fav

Leaning toward Joshua, Stuart says softly, “Take it easy, okay? We’ll bury him. He shouldn’t be left here, in your kitchen.” Joshua glares. “Don’t you fucking move him.”

Patio Joe, 55

801801 views11 comment11 fav

Patio Joe, 55 and constantly smelling of swill, got his name because he sold and stocked patio furniture at the neighborhood Kmart. With his pockets full of dusty rags and crushed Old Golds, he'd daydream about check out girls.But I suppose you'd have to call them check out…

The Baby Pool

858858 views11 comment11 fav

I want to fly like a snail. Yes, snails fly in their minds, so does the brain of the ocean. Does a man want to drown in the ersatz of desire? You must understand me. You and I swam together. They call it escape velocity.

Supermarket Blues

672672 views11 comment11 fav

Man on aisle nine looking for the answer to cancer Will the partially clothed couple on aisle four please put the rest of their clothing back on If you are finished doing whatever it was you were doing? Man on aisle five trying to imagine Whil

Walking To Gibraltar, Chapter 2: In Which Spousal Abuse May Occur

904904 views11 comment00 favs

The separation—the plan—had been a long time coming. After years of fighting and therapy and apologizing and, finally, silence, their marriage was about to die of exhaustion.

My Gall Bladder is Really Warm Today

929929 views11 comment00 favs

The English phrase "Nice to see you" translates into "My gall bladder is really warm today" in Berik, a language of New Guinea. What Language Is, John McWhorter

Concubine on the Ginza Line

12131213 views11 comment11 fav

so I tighten hands with my castaway and say/you failed to impress in your folded peacock dress

Tell Me What Happened

794794 views11 comment00 favs

The empty faces in the crowd all mumbled...


819819 views11 comment00 favs

Handsome are the houses,effigies in synthetic stucco: prosperity divinedbehind parted walls. Behold the ersatz simplicityof the residential subdivision, contrived construction inline and line and line. …

Don't Let Bears Give You a Headache

824824 views11 comment11 fav

You think about bears and it gives you a headache? Don’t give them that power. You see bears and it gives you a headache? Don’t run. Don’t walk but don’t run.

Cherry of Menloves

477477 views11 comment11 fav

Miranda laughed. The cream of the retail industry laughed...

Along the Battlement

881881 views11 comment00 favs

We creep the hill, flat on our bellies through yellowed grass and stone, black dirt grimed on our bright faces like powdered war paint. We are sitting ducks as we approach, out in the open like this but Cobb believes no one will be watching this side; it

How I Invented the Designer Jean in 1968 (Memoir)

16181618 views11 comment00 favs

Before I was 18 years old, in my small home town of Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, Canada, I invented the designer jean...


10831083 views11 comment11 fav

When flash and bang merge you are, according to the manual, in deep do-do.