Most discussed stories

A Good Man

11801180 views44 comments44 favs

Charles tapped the anger management code on his steering wheel. He rolled down his street and saw Jack Watson throwing stuff into the trunk of his black Volvo coupe. He waved, but Jack did not wave back. Jack's face was blazing red. He looked like he might have a…

If My Book...

11451145 views44 comments44 favs

If Single Stroke Seven were a cocktail, it would be a Bloody Mary made of one part Worcestershire sauce, the other part gas station vodka, and ketchup and hot sauce packets swiped from fast food joints. Chill with ice crystals chiseled off freezer walls,

A Man Dies

737737 views44 comments22 favs

The spirit smiled and held out his hand, the light in the room magnified and he brushed past the books and the thoughts still hanging in the small alcove, " You are ready now.

the rest of sleep

662662 views44 comments44 favs

peripheral dreams fall out from the head / the body squirms then burrows abed: / “have you had a good life? you now have less! / —led a hard life instead? you soon will be gone!”

Kandie Contretemps

10391039 views44 comments22 favs

She sat in a tall chair and there was only one time in the interview that she took her sunglasses off. She didn't really take them off, but just pulled them down for an instant with thumb and forefinger in order to look out at something going past the window. They said…

La sfida

824824 views44 comments22 favs

You don't see the bruises ... you can't foresee the pain. It's intense, so deep and yet so volatile, in vain. He slapped my head once more while he uttered for the millionth time the same old words again: "You're a loser and you'll never win. I hate for you to be my…

The Scientist's Wife

14531453 views44 comments44 favs

You’re ridiculous. Time travel is impossible, Steven.

Seeing Me

10381038 views44 comments22 favs

I got to see me the other day.

There's A Place I Know

10701070 views44 comments55 favs

“Reminds me of my safari in Africa. Somebody forgot the corkscrew and for several days we had to live on nothing but food and water."- W.C. Fields Around the next corner is a dark green door a dark…

Kash Mire

907907 views44 comments33 favs

You watch with frigid eyes, as their soggy woolens squelch dark mud, even smiling a little as they make croaking frog-lure noises. You know eventually a toad or two would land in the Frogger. You like the word Frogger.

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 46

825825 views44 comments22 favs

Maria Monsanto, the curator of Francesco Martinelli's Atmospheres show, stood in the middle of the third-floor gallery.

Food & Treasure

865865 views44 comments44 favs

She wakes up with rosemary.

V-J Day

14701470 views44 comments22 favs

August 14, 1945.Vincent had kissed a lot of girls before then - and a lot of women after. But there had never been a kiss like that one. And because of that photo apparently the whole country, damned near the whole world, thought so too.He'd tried to get her…


11711171 views44 comments11 fav

The way she once felt for another, naked mornings in her bed, and Young Frankenstein. Sed-a-give.

Bike Gangs Show Sensitive Side With "Baiku"

11231123 views44 comments33 favs

Some guys ride hills up and down, Then stop to terrorize small towns.

The Mish

13221322 views44 comments22 favs

So begins your new career in the car service business. In some ways you enjoy it, too. Sitting alone in the cab each day, totally your own boss; you get a surge of excitement inside thinking about the money you'll make in a way that requires so little work. Clearing two…

Navigation and Perseverance

11471147 views44 comments44 favs

“Gladys Miller!” the dog shouted. “Live a little. TiVo it.”

The 5 Senses of the Apocalypse

10851085 views44 comments33 favs

The Rapture comes and goes unannounced in carbonated soda bubbles spicing the air.

Things As They Really Are

10701070 views44 comments44 favs

I slide my CD toward Eric Burdon who sits, smiling and gracious and fatigued from Seattle traffic, at the table at Silver Platters, where I have just purchased ‘Til Your River Runs Dry, and stood in a line of old gray heads to have him sign it. I remove my hat and…


14201420 views44 comments22 favs

I nicked this from a 12-year-old famine victim living under a bridge in Disneyland.


10221022 views44 comments33 favs

The look that warms.

you were on top of us freely

878878 views44 comments22 favs

I remember you were on top of us freely, and we were starry with enjoyment. You turned to the beautiful youth because we were light, because we were so full of life that our skin alone could not seem to contain us. We were burning, burning on all

Bean Bag Chair

957957 views44 comments22 favs

Up to the loft we went, shedding clothes all the way. No one is home, but the place smells like the fresh cookies my mom had made before she left. It's dark and my lips hit his…


15171517 views44 comments44 favs

I folded my problems into pretty paper animals to keep me company. I set them on the Formica dinette set. I jammed some into cracks so they’d stand up straight: organized warfare

The Better I Knew Her, the Less I Liked Her

860860 views44 comments11 fav

As I looked in her eyes She told me— she liked to pull wings off flies.

Bukowski and Me

259259 views44 comments44 favs

I like to think of Bukowski and meknocking back beers in some downtown LA bar, Buk telling me some tale of ordinary madness (“Man, you shoulda seen the big old ass on her, I loved to hang onto it while we fucked.”) as I stare, nodding, at…

Escaped Poems

10251025 views44 comments44 favs

Sometimes my poems escape. They crawl out through my Wi-Fi connection, I suspect.

Food, Marcia, Food!

10181018 views44 comments44 favs

Marcia Get a load of This I got two pictures Of food Of food Marcia You're gonna Love it Look at this I got one Of just the salt and Pepper shaker God You're gonna Love this

The Cooler

856856 views44 comments33 favs

We stop laughing when the doctors come in. Don't want to scare them.Ben (car accident, Christmas, gifts all over the road), tries to freak them out though. He'll make a low soundsometimes. One nurse ran so fast she almost wentout the window. Sheryl her name…


654654 views44 comments22 favs

dreaming in my cartoon life the car lifts its legs a hundred feet in the air