1554 7 5
Came to admire Kiyoko Matsumoto. Japanese. Aged 19. Lesbian. 1933. Jumped into a volcano.
2517 4 3
He nuzzled the breasts with his face for a moment, his leathery skin and tangles of hair tickling her in the process.
1147 2 0
Each had jostled and laboured for his or her place upon the blunt outcrop, in the cold persistent darkness, where the outcrop was merely something that had fallen and not quite been washed away.
1267 9 7
1291 13 12
I asked him where he hurt and he said everywhere.
955 9 5
A little contempuous aside by the critical theorist guy, Frederick Jameson-- that it was logically absurd to call anything that human beings do, produce or effect “unnatural,”-- has brought forth the following. We are…
631 10 4
amphibians returning to the scene of the crime
1835 27 6
There are two kinds of stupid in the world of smoking. The first kind includes anyone who smokes – knowing well that it is likely to cause terrible pain at a later point in their lives. The second kind includes the people who tell the first kind that sm
1120 0 0
...Loves and fights and retires; / And dies.
1444 10 8
nothing can stop a group of genteel Southern women from a card game, and divine intervention makes one's participation in such an event quite worthwhile
1079 4 3
The photograph has no date,but these are my long-ago kin,ancestors just before the boat,six stone-faced on the English shore,sepia on cardstock under glassstill clear in severe, dark clothesexcept one who has been markedout, maybe with black wax,which runs to the bottom…
1480 12 8
"Everything except food and sex."
1081 4 1
A bum leaves his shopping cart
in the middle of the intersection
at 7th Ave and Perry St
and walks away
leaving everything behind
Shopping cart gets hit
by an onslaught of
yellow taxis whizzing by
The contents flying out
into the hum
760 5 3
There’s a sudden
Burst of color
Like the dispersal of a ghost
In a light wind
And now candy wrappers are
Scattered all over the heavens
It looks like God got lit up
By the sky
As we flew too c
1353 3 2
A married woman requests a butterfly tattoo that won't please her husband from an old tattoo artist.
1376 7 5
I bleed my heart into my computer, peruse The fact they have proclaimed my root unfit for use But it is I! This manhood, this tower Extending up toward the heavens like a miraculous flower, Purple headed warrior of generation, See it standing…
1184 0 1
Is any person is worthy of the kind of ache?
1327 4 3
“Buy Shoes On Wednesday and Tweet at 4:00” is a new advice book which tells the reader the best possible time to get everything done, from flossing ones teeth to visiting Zanzibar. As a public service, I've used the information provided in that book to create an…
3833 32 10
When you take her grocery shopping
take a list and make her stick to it
as she forgets and duplicates a lot
She is also very generous
and will insist on buying you something
I think she cannot live without fresh flowers
or plants that are bl
1260 21 9
1190 3 3
Quimby’s eyes lit up. “Oh, lads, there must be a thousan’ ways to die at sea! I’ve made th’ Atlantic passage a good many time; lemme recount some manners of death I’ve witnessed with mine own eyes.”
1323 1 1
There is no Vinny’s Liquor store as far as she can tell. She begins to think there is something odd, that people are jerking her chain, sending her on a fruitless mission. It feels familiar, like sorority hell week. Maybe there is no liquor store at al
1707 6 6
Every single girl, from junior to senior (and a few counselors too, I suspected), wanted to make out with Marty Miller. Did he know how drunk with attraction I was?
1330 7 5
...a headwater stream that has never had a name....
1170 13 12
Times were tough back then. Just a few jobs. This was in the late thirties. It's the story of how Albert hooked up with Iris. Their unlikely meeting took place when they met out on the Highway 61 right-of-way just outside of Natchez, Mississippi, each trying to hitch…
1230 8 7
First he wrote it in wet cement at the intersection:
“Tad Loves Kimberley,”
with a big heart around it.
He was real proud, you could see.
But then later on that year, the graffiti began
appearing everywhere, on all the store walls:
1464 0 0
—with spinster goddesses in the middle of things / circling looms.
901 1 0
I had coffee with one of my characters today. It did not go well. I thought we were friends, but I guess I was wrong.
1220 8 7
graves left or graves lost, into silence death sinks:/it's leaving the living that leaves us such pain.
942 5 3
I came out of the Quick Stop and found her in the back seat of my ten-year-old Camry. I don’t know who she is, or why she chose my car. I do know she’s having a baby any minute now.