I bleed my heart into my computer, peruse
The fact they have proclaimed my root unfit for use
But it is I! This manhood, this tower
Extending up toward the heavens like a miraculous flower,
Purple headed warrior of generation,
See it standing upright in celebration
In determination against deracination,
As it spreads the seed which feeds this nation
Without denomination. If you look at my bowl
And behold the fruit you will then see me whole-
I am displayed by chance in that one green banana.
I swing my trunk in every town and green savannah.
I sing this ode to my penis, I sing it to myself,
I sing this song for all manhood without hope of pelf.
If anyone else wants to join in as well,
I proclaim that that would be very swell.
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Agreed. A veritable chef d'oeuvre.
A deft and noble, hardfelt paean. *
Enjoyed. Had to look up the definition of "pelf".
Thanks, guys. T remember this took me all of a few minutes to write some months back. I must go and write some more.
Onward and upward! (There are intrinsic physical aspects to the fact that rockets exhibit aerodynamic properties, I suppose equal reasons that they exhibit thrust.)
Strannikov - No doubt this was in the back of my mind when I wrote it. I was thinking mainly of bananas, though.