On the Rocks
What matters these, to all, below the crest…
If privilege of mind-blankness is the bay's?
Remembrance breeds no fathoms of its rest-
As plumb the circuit lulled, at each rephrase
Of capture, each and over, one lone jetty-
Marching only far as speech is lost in snow...
Of bevelled weights, before tide-gates that carry
Nary answers, of what left so hereago.
I crossed this day the thin tin-hammered moil,
That rings the cliffs, and fledged between two forms
Belong to this, that ghost, who chalks the roil…
That floods the bridle spoor of unpooled storms-
No ships converging through the absent hailings
Of plummet-birds, that bunk the gavelled plain.
What winnowing of white limbs, upon the flailings,
Perturbs the umber, óf her murmur-main?
Abroad on flumeless hoops, an unshaled galleon
Could have robed itself in rocks, themselves so soft...
As a trillion sanded turfs, tatterdemalion,
As the breath ensurfed and lost so long aloft:
And azure hydras arboured, in a listless serry,
Cast to frothing fields, encalméd now, óf distant water wracks…
That pool their weight far fróm the mid noon's ferry.
'Lorn Medusas ride the list, of pod-crow backs-
Enjambed from sapphire cities, and the plastic gardens…
Spinwhittleweed that whistles in midfollow flow.
“Ahoy, Miranda, where are lain your lustre's lessons?”
The hearts among green lilies whisper, “Jericho”...
And a city made of palms conflates no loss with passion,
In the seaweed steeps encumbered; no enquirer asks.
The rain-wraiths spey no fleet's oars, for its flags to lash in.
I am dissolving in a plenitude, of chartless masks…
And vacant in the roundelay of lime-washed miles,
Forsaking triumph and platitudes, what bridges fly…
While watching for the turrets under turning smiles
The weed wreathes, in the algorithmic tapestry?
The fractal map none search, aslant, a shattered ember,
The whirl-ships flick aslip, in mist, reforge their fall.
The dance of these lies far at last and can't remember;
An albatross fleets flicker flack and shan't re-call-
No more than any path across. Meridian blinders
Knoughts and cross the cloudlets out, the South Cross falls
(And it is late, I must be leaving here), on lost and finders.
The masquers lapse at satellite, of lampless balls…
Below the shoonéd surface of the star-mapped brim,
That skates the frothing lilacs at the aftermath-
Of brides to tidelets, arced in parabolic bath
Of breakers, in resurgence at the surge's skim:
And jetsam (and it's late soon) scuffs but nothings come-
Aboard the periwinkle genesis, a-crest what cliffs?
The wheeling world is static, as the languished skiffs
That lift against the ride-let's equilibrium…
Chameleon blossoms ramaged in the sucks of surf:
Abandoned at the last gasp, of their artistry…
Dead pebble-weights the waters scarf and sands that scurf…
Amniotic thrust and reflux, of the laughing sea.
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"the periwinkle genesis".
Thanks, guys. 'Psychedelic' is a word I'd use. This poem is relentless in its eccentricities.
Joycean in its wordplay.
Thanks, Matt.