by T.A. Noonan
Ante mare et terras et quod tegit omnia caelum
unus erat toto naturae vultus in orbe,
quem dixere chaos: rudis indigestaque moles
nec quicquam nisi pondus iners congestaque eodem
non bene iunctarum discordia semina rerum. |1|
—with spinster goddesses in the middle of things
circling looms.
—with spinster goddesses
(No, which set?)
(z = z^2 + x):
z = {moirae} and
x = {eris}
mandelbrot = {∞}
mandelbrot != {∞};
She-Who-Draws-Taut She-Who-Measures-Square She-Who-Cuts-Dead-on-Target
they weave fabric to fight the cracking chill in their teeth
(No, tooth. Singular.)
—that was the Graia not us.
Our masterpiece they whisper star-cloth to replace our fractal |1|
dresses creatures to breathe praise into the void. |2|
|1| P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses.
|1| In this case, (x = x^2 - a). The hole-to-thread constant is approximately 4.669211660910299067185320382047.
|2| For the purposes of this poem, the author has identified the void with a eötvös (read: "KUT - vush") number. It is dimensionless and used to calculate flow patterns, droplets, and bubbles. Symbolized "Eo." Ovid defines it thus:
EO - march on, advance, leave, go.
As they spin so does their sister dancing to break her shivers.
x != {eris}
(She never was.)
She hears the looming shuttle stops mid-step.
mandelbrot != {∞}
(It never does.)
How dare they end the dance?
(Let's try again.)
(z = z^2 + x):
z = {kauket} and
x = {tiamat}
mandelbrot = {spider woman};
She-Who-Exists-Before-Light She-Who-Swells-in-Oceans She-Who-Weaves-Signs
The results don't match can't match check the math change the set
z = {kali} and
She wars against design |3|
x = {am-no-tanabata-hime-no-mikoto}
then ...
—The circle tightens
This art Chaos our body and blood. |5|
Behold the warp. |8|
|3| Lanij and Lewoj, lesser gods of the Marshallese, claim responsibility for all unique animal patterns.
|5| They also introduced this art to humans in the form of tattooing.
|8| The word for tattoo in Marshallese is "eo."
-sheds her threadbare gown arches her back in the living cloak
mandelbrot != {∞};
(Keep adding anyway.)
As she turns the fabric ripples like surface tension
Sex mihi surgat opus numeris, in quinque residat:
Ferrea cum vestris bella valete modis.
Cingere litorea flaventia tempora myrto,
Musa, per undenos emodulanda pedes. |13|
|13| Ovid, Amores, Epistulae, Medicamina Faciei Femineae, Ars Amatoria, Remedia Amoris.
and poets peer at the weave—
favs |
416 words
All rights reserved. |
"A Chaos Theory" (2005) first appeared in the 5th issue of Words on Walls.