Alphabetical stories

One Last Hurrah, #1

10901090 views1010 comments22 favs

She was about 35 or so and noticeably pregnant. She was near hysteria when she knocked on our apartment door, right across the street in L.A. from a convent. But she took one last desperate wild look at me, standing at the door. I saw the animal in her ey

One Last Word

14291429 views11 comment11 fav

Almost 24 hours ago in Pakistan, Osama Bin Laden was sleeping just as he had slept every night for the hundreds of days prior; comfortable in a million dollar compound with his son and advisors around him...

One Man Caught in a Multitude of Self

250250 views55 comments33 favs

The idea that anything is possible only in the moment that it isn't

One Man's Post

817817 views22 comments11 fav

There was a bottleneck ahead. We slowed down single-file, me behind, to wait our turn to pass the doorway of a vacant storefront church. In it, a lone black man sat atop an empty plastic milk crate. Nobody looked at him; they were all slowing down and cro

One More Good Hand

11481148 views33 comments11 fav

It's been like that of late. One bad beat after another. I used to hold all the cards, kick some ass, be rolling in it and buying the Crystal at Birdland for all my special ladies. Now I can't get in without a steep cover and my markers are no good in the

One More Silver Dollar

11301130 views44 comments22 favs

Culloden County, MS - 1989 All Janine knew was the idiot had a gun. As to why he would ever need one was beyond her. He couldn't look dumber holding it, either. He was too small for it, or at least he looked that way to…

One More Thing

14051405 views6565 comments2424 favs

The second thing Annie Riser did after receiving her diagnosis was to find a realtor in the Yellow Pages and put her house up for sale.

One Night Stand Before Finals

698698 views33 comments00 favs

There was one girl from Ireland, with her thick Irish brogue, who came into my bedroom early on the morning before my final exam for my Master’s degree in the writing program at U.C Irvine. She knew I was so nervous about taking the exam that I hadn’t sle

One Night Stand in Laguna Beach

789789 views00 comments00 favs

One time in Laguna Beach I remember sleeping with a girl I met at this café, the Jolly Roger, when we went back to my apartment and had unprotected sex. She said she was on the pill, but you never know. It was just that one time, and she did seem desperat

One Night Stand with the Birthday Girl Near Lincoln Park Before Leaving on my “Honeymoon”

717717 views22 comments00 favs

Terry marked each spot where we did it with a red “X” on this map she had taken from my dad's gas station. In those days gas stations gave out maps for free.

One Nil

11811181 views11 comment11 fav

Each step you take on the pitchEach mile driven downEach closed exit of highway Blocked avenues of importanceBoarded up HammeredNailed shutPeople and places and things You can't get to anymoreThe knife and the needle The black and the…

One of Four

12921292 views1111 comments66 favs

She stood with her sisters, pretty maids in a row, felt cold despite the scorching spring sun. Heard what the man said but didn’t register; words from the Lord flew around her like the flighty trill of the robins up above. The birds made more sense.

One of Them

11531153 views33 comments00 favs

Who the hell wasn’t aware by now? What about prostate cancer awareness? One out of six men got prostate cancer, but you didn’t hear them whining. They weren’t waving blue ribbons in your face.

One Of These Dreams ...

416416 views99 comments66 favs

Imagine a morning without dawn, without daylight ... The night birds still hoot, the flowers wait for the light to change their make-up, black birds have locked their beaks. A morning unlike any other ... The moon above continues to reign over the milky way, the stars to…

One of Us

12311231 views00 comments00 favs

“We’re starting to get into weather control,” Mark said. “Can you really do that?” Rachel asked, trying to sound supportive and not skeptical. “There are people out on the west coast in Seattle, who’ve been experimenting with it,” Mark said. “Bec

One old and one new

852852 views1919 comments1111 favs

served as it is/ among these friends. The frayed filaments/ tickle my chin and irritate my nostrils,

One Poem, Eight Rejections

18721872 views2525 comments1515 favs

Do you suppose you could make your female protagonist a salamander rather than a human?

One Regrettable Talent for Tragedy

14111411 views55 comments55 favs

Vandalina embarked on her career of serious dramatic roles to widespread acclaim, her depth of feeling and potency of delivery winning her thunderous ovations and gushing reviews . . .

One Sentence

865865 views00 comments00 favs

The summer we were fourteen we snuck out of our houses...

One Sick, Two Sick, Red Sick, Blue Sick

10781078 views66 comments55 favs

I found a diseased fish / wedged between some boulders near the pier

One Star

828828 views22 comments11 fav

...somehow that light has found me.

One Story Above the Boy in an Old Car

959959 views77 comments44 favs

Near dusk today a car backfired on the street beneath my office window

One Thousand Incarnations and One Thousand Deaths - Part I

11851185 views44 comments11 fav

She heard mortar fire, whose percussive power rose above the tapping typewriter keys. A perspiration of terror broke on Loretta’s brow, under her arms. Then suddenly, the whistling of shells.

One Thousand Incarnations and One Thousand Deaths - Part II

971971 views33 comments00 favs

The door flew open, hitting the wall, and the woman seated in the corner across from her pressed herself against the bench. Loretta saw that down through her petticoats came a trickle of yellow liquid, which pooled on the floor.

One Way (for Tina Kieffer)

11011101 views55 comments33 favs

This mother, she buys a one way ticket whenever she visits her three daughters who have wandered far from the eyes of her pearlescent knitting needles and tutti-frutti yarns.

One Week At A Very Quiet Camp

12351235 views88 comments55 favs

Poetry is a way to stop talking

One-Nighter without a Stand, Even

707707 views11 comment00 favs

She lay down sideways on the couch with her large breasts spilled out toward my face, as I sat cross-legged on the floor, so that they were more or less right there in my face, and well, you pay attention when tits are hanging out in the open like that. S

One-Sided Conversation

11841184 views00 comments00 favs


One-Way Ticket

46304630 views99 comments1515 favs

Margaret and I are going to Chicago. Everything we do this morning feels final, as if we are doing it for the last time, which is probably true.


818818 views33 comments00 favs

- Of or relating to dreams