Stories tagged short-story

Each Planned to Kill the Other

864864 views33 comments00 favs

What was heinous about it was how easy I assumed it would be. That was truly heinous, and it was a mistake in the end to think of it that way. But I’ve learned from what’s heinous. I’ve bought a plastic cylinder filled with nylon zip ties. They’re great f

120 Years

873873 views00 comments00 favs

It has been speculated that his failure to become either a recognized artiste or a blockbuster director is what ultimately led him, when the opportunity presented itself, to upload his consciousness.

A Walking Tour Paused

342342 views22 comments33 favs

In nineteen eighty-one an Iranian fighter pilot taped thinly hammered leaves of gold to the skin under his flight suit. A few glorious pounds overweight and carrying a helmet under one arm, he crossed the tarmac. It was his most finely executed maneuver. Before anyone…

Toy Universe

12641264 views77 comments66 favs

She crossed the room to a tub in the center, the great woman with flowing locks of bronze, turning the taps until a heatless white became warm enough to bathe in. She added soap of some kind and the light became the bubbles,…

Getting By

10581058 views33 comments22 favs

The were two things and two things only in the town of Comfort, Alabama, that were older than Bella.

Stay. Sit. Listen.

11441144 views2121 comments99 favs

There is a small church in the south of Italy, with a stained-glass window depicting the sister of John The Baptist.


11871187 views77 comments44 favs

Truman sits in his car on an early Tuesday morning. He rolls down both front windows down, but despite the infusion of fresh air, the car still smells of stale meat and sickness.


10431043 views66 comments22 favs

It was only two days before Christmas.  Jonathan remembered his mother crying.


5858 views33 comments22 favs

Truman sits in his car on an early Tuesday morning. He rolls down both front windows down, but despite the infusion of fresh air, the car still smells of stale meat and sickness.


914914 views22 comments22 favs

Steve lowers himself onto a lounge chair and lets out a long, overdue sigh. Cliff and Jim, the frickin’ and frackin’ of the built-in pool industry, are making a Burger Chef run while the cement sets.


12401240 views1414 comments88 favs

And she's dying like someone who's tried living and failed.


685685 views33 comments33 favs

Kasper and I are smashing fluorescent light tubes on the ground behind the Dollar Tree, swinging them down like apes with clubs, the world itself our victim. We found the fluorescents sticking out from the store's dumpster, then a handful of large, industrial bulbs which we…


181181 views22 comments11 fav

While Evelyn watched television, I fixed her evening tea. “Are you? Fuck that world,” she replied, as though someone had asked her a question. Sometimes Evelyn got stuck on a word, using it for everything until it started to mean nothing and everything.

A Jenga Piece a Time

905905 views33 comments11 fav

Ryuu looked up and saw color seep back into his life. Warm hues reached for his numb heart. His body's coldness was thawed with the tender embrace that wrapped around him so tight he couldn't let go if he had wanted to.


11351135 views1111 comments77 favs

Lucky for mama, he doesn't like for his women to work.