Stories tagged short-story

It Seems You've Stumbled Upon My Bildungsroman

11601160 views22 comments22 favs

Why yes I began writing this, my bildungsroman, Who is Mitsy Jackson, in spring, 1974 or thereabouts, and thank you so much for asking.

When I Am Dead, Let Someone Tell Him Of My Suffering

12751275 views77 comments33 favs

Susie watched the record, her mouth agape just slightly, the spinning vinyl unveiling the powerful sound of a voice she'd wanted to hear her whole life.

Gentry Major

878878 views00 comments00 favs

“Paroxysms, well, what in the hell’s a paroxysm?” “I think the better question is what kind of name is Gentry, Gentry?” “Yes, that’s a better question. Do you really want to know? I was named after my grandfather, Ol’ Gentry Jones Filips III. They

After Grief

13301330 views55 comments22 favs

Within a day, she had a scummy apartment which belonged to the government. It had cockroaches, which she was not used to. They churned her stomach, repulsive little things. Not even creatures. Two brains, she'd read: one in the head, one in the ass.

So You Want to Be a Poet

13801380 views1111 comments88 favs

You’re the girl that would sneak out to poetry readings instead of parties, watching fierce semi-bearded men reading their poems from hand-stapled zines.

Penny 4 Your Thoughts#

424424 views11 comment11 fav

This little six year old girl drops a penny in my jar . . . and of course I don't want her to get the wrong idea of homeless people like her parents do, so I'm real nice and say thank you very much . . . Contains language some may find offensive.

This Wife of Burning Suns

232232 views55 comments55 favs

After she had gone, the man sought to remake the wife. From the ashes of his memories. From the pain of her leaving. From the churning of his heart, the thumping of his blood, fierce and red in his veins.He sought their favourite places, those beaches and forests where…

As Luck Would Have It

15421542 views88 comments33 favs

For fifteen years Wendy waited for Harry to leave his wife. From time to time, there’d been ultimatums, break-ups too, but they never stuck. Now Wendy’s luck was about to change. It was Tuesday, Wendy and Harry’s standing night to be together. His wif

None But The Righteous

12151215 views33 comments33 favs

Susan was twenty-four when it happened again, but she had neither the patience nor the attachment to see it through.

A Storm A-Brewin'

922922 views11 comment11 fav

"I'm just saying," the older man continues, "We oughta be ready in case she hits." "We'll be fine," the woman says. "We've weathered every storm that's ever come through here just fine."

The Other Side

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The Only Tricks We Know

836836 views00 comments00 favs

The day Eugene told me his secret he gave me a bouquet of lilies. Ice clung to the petals like fuzz. Sorry about the frost, he said. That was an accident.

No Dogs! No Dogs Allowed!

904904 views22 comments22 favs

the impression I had gotten of him was that he was fifty percent yuppie and fifty percent drug dealer from Marin.

The Fourth Prague Defenestration: 6

779779 views11 comment11 fav

My grandfather rode with the Czar’s army. He was abducted from a village in Austria, trained to pillage and drink, plunder and rape, and ride the best horses that could be had. They were given the best vodka and the sharpest swords. They were all just b


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a man and a woman in a room at the end of the world.