Stories tagged short-story

The Quiet Place

8383 views55 comments33 favs

Chatty Katty. It must be Tuesday.

Calling out the Storm

7777 views00 comments00 favs

Outside we could see the winds bursting sharply through the trees. When an oak actually bends to one side, its bad...a normal person seeks shelter.

Promising Young Composer Dies Bizarre Death

10681068 views55 comments33 favs

“This is the most bizarre case I have come across in my twenty years of service. The flesh of the deceased had been expertly carved away from the bone and then replaced on the frame...

An Incredible Waste of Paper

544544 views77 comments11 fav

This story is an incredible waste of paper.


977977 views55 comments33 favs

She worked the research desk. Like most ladies before computers and cell-phones she lead a quiet conservative life. She wore dresses, spent time with family and friends...Emma also had been stricken as a child

God Bless You, Mr. Eichmann

882882 views44 comments33 favs

So I ran to the door, and when I opened it a guy with a crewcut led in a band of about fifteen blond-haired boys in wheelchairs and on crutches.

Insomnia in Excelsis

686686 views22 comments22 favs

Weird shit TCM shows in the middle of the night. “One Hundred and Forty-four Blackhead Removers,” starring Shelley Winters and Richard Conte. Low-budget film noir. Or perhaps I should say tête noir. I have to be up at six. It’s almost four no

The Flintstone Variations

555555 views33 comments33 favs

"It's language that sets us apart from the beasts," says Fred Flintstone. "Nothing sets you apart from the beasts," Wilma replies.

Instructions for Opening a Document Found in a Black Cabinet

10121012 views77 comments22 favs

When the black cloth falls on you all food tastes like airline food. Every song sounds like Barry Manilow. Every poem sounds like Rod McKuen. It’s all just noise to you now.


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The man was sitting at his makeshift kitchen table. He was forty-five years old. He wore his mortarboard with tassel whenever he left his home. Once inside either a reputable establishment or one generally considered less so, he was sure to take off his m

Buck Moy

12861286 views66 comments44 favs

Then he told us tales of skulls and planks, galleons and parrots, silver and gold on crystal Jamaican seas under deep ruby skies.

Vegas Elvis

11831183 views00 comments11 fav

I followed the curve of the etched Koi, its filigree scales arcing across a taut midriff toward the indent of her pierced navel, where a collection of water lilies drifted on the surface of her skin.

And Then The Hunger Had More Power Than Even The Sorrow

655655 views44 comments22 favs

Delilah couldn't articulate why she was sometimes uncomfortable watching her husband interact with his mother. (573 words)

All I Know About Grandfather

12421242 views66 comments44 favs

There were days in my youth when, through no fault of their own, my parents could not drive me the seven mile trip to my elementary school. When I got older they bought me a bike and that proved duly adequate as conveyance. But when I was six years in age

How Sister Hippo Got Her Temper

163163 views33 comments33 favs

Be it near or in a land far far away, be it short or long long ago as once ever was, Sister Hippo grew dissatisfied with the matronly order of her natural beauty and therefore (soon after) caused a package (by special order) to be delivered to her door.